Which Of The Following Would Be Transcribed Into Mrna

Question: Transformation of bacteria was shown to occur when _______ bacteria were injected into mice

and the mice ______.

  1. live S strain; died

  2. B. live R strain; didn’t die

  3. C. live S and R strain; died

  4. D. live R strain and dead S strain; died

  5. E. live S strain and dead R strain; didn’t die

  6. Answer: D. live R strain and dead S strain; died

  7. Question: DNA was shown to be the transforming substance when only the ______ enzymes could inhibit

  8. transformation.

  9. A. proteinase

  10. B. RNAase

  11. C. DNAase

  12. D. lipase

  13. Answer: C. DNAase

  14. Question: If a DNA sample contains 13% adenine, what percentage of the sample contains cytosine?

  15. A. 13%

  16. B. 37%

  17. C. 26%

  18. D. 74%

  19. Answer: B. 37%

  20. Question: One of Chargaff’s rules states that

  21. A. A + G = T + C.

  22. B. A = C, T = G.

  23. C. A = G, T = C.

  24. D. A + T = G + C.

  25. Answer: A. A + G = T + C.

  26. Question:

  27. Answer: A. indicating that DNA has a double helix structure.

  28. Question: In the Watson and Crick model of DNA, the “steps” of the ladder are composed of

  29. A. sugars.

  30. B. a purine and a pyrimidine.

  31. C. two purines.

  32. D. two pyrimidines.

  33. E. a sugar and a phosphate molecule.

  34. Answer: B. a purine and a pyrimidine.

  35. Question:

  36. Answer: D. All of the choices describe how Pauling’s model was different than Watson and Crick’s model.

  37. Question:

  38. Answer: B. genes have no difficulty crossing the species

  39. barrier

  40. Question:

  41. Answer: B. Replication occurs as each base is paired with another exactly like it.

  42. Question: Nucleotides contain all of the following except:

  43. A. a phosphate group

  44. B. a 5 - carbon sugar

  45. C. a nitrogen base

  46. D. histones

  47. E. A and C

  48. Answer: D. histones

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