Which Of The Following Would Not Be Considered Discrimination

Question: What term is used by sociologists to describe biological differences that have taken on social significance and are presumed to divide society into genetically distinct subgroups?

Answer: race

Question: Which of the following properly identifies Asian Americans, as a group?

Answer: They are a racial group

Question: Cultural differences that are considered socially significant and are thought to divide the population into socially distinct subgroups are called

Answer: ethnicity

Question: When a group is considered to form a distinct subgroup within society because its members trace their heritage to a particular country and practice a certain religion, they are thought to be a(n)


Question: Which of the following defines a minority group?

Answer: a subordinate group whose members lack access to valued resources in a society

Question: A sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhibited, transformed, and destroyed is known as

Answer: racial formation.

Question: Denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as

Answer: discrimination.

Question: Which of the following would NOT be considered discrimination?

Answer: Sue proclaims that all poor people are criminals.

Question: Prejudice is to discrimination as

Answer: behavior is to attitude.

Question: The practice of assuming that people who fit certain descriptions are likely to be engaged in illegal activities is referred to as

Answer: racial profiling.

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