Which Of The Following Would Protect Earth'S Biodiversity

Question: Which of the following is the broadest (most all-encompassing) level of ecological organization?

Answer: the biosphere

Question: What does an ecosystem ecologist study?

Answer: the living and nonliving components of systems in operating in conjunction with each other

Question: An ideal habitat with unlimited resources is associated with

Answer: exponential growth

Question: The maximum population a habitat can support is its

Answer: carrying capacity

Question: Logistic growth involves

Answer: Population growth slowing down as the population approaches carrying capacity.

Question: In exponential growth

Answer: Population size grows faster and faster as the population gets bigger.

Question: Which of the following would NOT cause population size to decrease?

Answer: Increased birth rate

Question: What expression is used to determine the overall growth rate of a population?

Answer: (crude birth rate - crude death rate) + (immigration rate - emigration rate)

Question: What describes the number of individuals in a population per unit area?

Answer: population density

Question: The carrying capacity is _______.

Answer: the maximum population size that a given environment can sustain

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