Which Of The Following Would The Kinetic Theory Address

Question: Using the Phase diagram for CO2, what phase is carbon dioxide in at -70’C and 1 atm pressure.?

Answer: It is in the gas phase.

Question: What does temperature measure?

Answer: Kinetic energy within molecules.

Question: What happens to water molecules when they are heated?

Answer: They begin to move faster.

Question: What do the lines of a phase diagram represent?

Answer: The lines show where a phase change happens to a substance.

Question: Using the phase diagram for H2O, what phase is water in at 1 atm pressure and -5’C?

Answer: It is in the solid phase.

Question: Which of these is the most significant force that attracts polar molecules to each other?

Answer: Dipole-diploe attractions

Question: What is a phase diagram?

Answer: A diagram showing the effects of temperature and pressure on phase.

Question: How do intermolecular forces affect the boiling point of a liquid?

Answer: The stronger the forces, the more heat that must be added to boil the liquid.

Question: Which of the following would the kinetic theory address?

Answer: Vibrations in molecules.

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