Which Of The Hepatitis Strains Are Preventable With A Vaccine


Answer: yes!

Question: Although the strains of hepatitis are different in many ways, what is common to all of the strains?

There is a vaccine for each strain.

They are all acute illnesses.

They are all caused by virus.

They are caused by bacteria.

Answer: They are all caused by virus

Question: What type of reporting method is used for HIV/AIDS cases?

Social security number


Infection route

Birth date

Answer: name

Question: Which of the following does NOT transmit HIV?

Sharing a drinking glass with an infected person

From mother to baby in breast milk

Direct blood contact with infected blood or blood products

Unprotected sexual contact

Answer: Sharing a drinking glass with an infected person

Question: Which of the hepatitis strains are preventable with a vaccine?

Hepatitis E

Hepatitis C and hepatitis D

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A and hepatitis B

Answer: Hep A and B

Question: What must every patient do prior to being tested for HIV?

Sign a waiver for the results to be sent to their insurance company

Give their name and birth date

Give informed consent for the testing

Not eat or drink anything for 12 hours before the test

Answer: Give informed consent for the testing

Question: How does HIV affect the human body?

It clogs the arteries

It reduces the body’s core temperature

It causes constant, severe pain

It attacks the immune system

Answer: attacks the immune system

Question: HIV is NOT transmitted through which of the following?

Organ transplant

Public toilets and sinks

Blood transfusions

Use of contaminated needles

Answer: Public toilets and sinks

Question: HIV is transmitted through which of the following?





Answer: blood

Question: Which of the following is true about a person living with HIV?

The person may live for many years after infection

The person is not contagious

The person should not be allowed in public places

The person can be treated and cured

Answer: The person may live for many years after infection

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