Which Of These Are Considered Broad Economic Goals

Question: (05.03 LC)

Which of these are considered broad economic goals?

A) Dependability, equity, efficiency

B) Freedom, equity, growth

C) Reliability, honesty, freedom

D) Security, justification, equality

Answer: B) Freedom, equity, growth


Broad economic goals include freedom, equity, growth, security, and efficiency.

Question: (05.03 LC)

How is the ability to choose one’s career related to a nation’s broad economic goals?

A) It demonstrates ingenuity

B) It illustrates entrepreneurship

C) It reflects individual freedom

D) It shows individual power

Answer: C) It reflects individual freedom


The broad economic goal of freedom includes personal choices; the ability to enter, compete, and exchange in markets; and protection of personal property. In choosing one’s own career, one is exercising economic freedom.

Question: (05.03 MC)

A survey finds that miners in West Virginia are less healthy than miners in any other state. Passing federal laws regulating mining conditions would be an example of which broad economic goal?

A) Equity

B) Freedom

C) Growth

D) Security






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