Which Of These Can Lower One'S Basal Metabolic Rate

Question: The type of fat that is stored in the abdominal region is called…

subcutaneous fat

visceral fat

central fat

gynoid fat

Answer: visceral fat

Question: The factor that most affects your BMR is

how many calories you eat

how active you are

how much lean body mass you have

how many hours you sleep each night

Answer: how much lean body mass you have

Question: All of the following are diagnostic criteria of bulimia nervosa EXCEPT…

overuse of laxatives and diuretics

self-induced vomiting

excessive exercise

excessive caloric restriction

Answer: excessive caloric restriction

Question: About 50 to 70 percent of your daily energy needs is determined by

physical activity

the thermic effect of food

your basal metabolic rate

both physical activity and the thermic effect of food

Answer: your basal metabolic rate

Question: Which surgery involves stapling the majority of the stomach shut?


gastric bypass

gastric banding


Answer: gastric bypass

Question: Which of the following contributes to the growing obesity epidemic?

People are less active

Portion sizes are too large

People eat too many ready-to-eat foods prepared outside the home

all of these answers are correct

Answer: all of these answers are correct

Question: All of the following cancers are related to obesity EXCEPT…





Answer: skin

Question: A BMI value of ____ is considered healthy.

under 18.5

between 18.5 and 25

between 25 and 30

over 30

Answer: between 18.5 and 25

Question: Which of these can lower one’s basal metabolic rate?





Answer: starvation

Question: Which of these products has been proven to help promote weight loss?

guar gum

bitter orange


None of these answers are correct

Answer: None of these answers are correct

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