Which Of These Features Is Found In A Lumbar Vertebra

Question: The inner, gelatinous region of each intervertebral disc is called the

Answer: nucleus pulposus.

Question: How many pairs of ribs are “floating ribs” that do not articulate with the sternum?

Answer: 2

Question: Which features are found only on thoracic vertebrae?

Answer: Costal facets and demifacets

Question: What is the correct order for the vertebral regions, from superior to inferior?

Answer: Cervical - thoracic - lumbar - sacral - coccygeal

Question: The bones of the wrist are classified as _____ bones.

Answer: short

Question: The vertebral column includes ___ cervical, ___ thoracic, and ___ lumbar vertebrae.

Answer: 7, 12, 5

Question: Which bone is not part of the axial skeleton?





Frontal bone

Answer: Clavicle

Question: Which of these features is found in a lumbar vertebra?


Vertebral foramen

Spinous process

Vertebral arch

All of the choices are correct.

Answer: All of the choices are correct.

Question: Which feature is unique to the axis?

Answer: Dens

Question: Which is the most abundant type of cartilage in the body?

Elastic cartilage


Reticular cartilage

Hyaline cartilage

Vascular cartilage

Answer: Hyaline Cartilage

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