Sbs 200 University Of Arizona


Answer: a. The IV is gender while the DV is time to finish a race


Answer: a. Nominal level of measurement


Answer: d. Ratio level of measurement

Question: Albert compared the time required to finish the race for 20 female jockeys and 20 male jockeys riding race horses. He wanted to know who averaged faster rides. The independent variable is a(n) _____

  1. Discrete

  2. b. Continuous

  3. Answer: a. Discrete

  4. Question: Albert compared the time required to finish the race for 20 female jockeys and 20 male jockeys riding race horses. He wanted to know who averaged faster rides. The dependent variable is a(n) _____

  5. a. Discrete

  6. b. Continuous

  7. Answer: b. Continuous

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