
Question: How is the gift of sexuality a reflection of the image of God?

Answer: The gift of sexuality is a reflection of the image of God because men and women are both naturally drawn into relationships together. This is a visible reality that reveals to us and invisible reality, which is the nature of God.

Question: Explain the two basic meanings of sexuality, according to the theology of the body.

Answer: The two basic meanings of sexuality according to the theology of the body are nuptial and generative. Nuptial is related to marriage, while generative refers to the producing of new life.

Question: Give a definition of a chaste person.

Answer: The definition of a chase person is A person who deeply appreciates the gift of their sexuality and resists all temptations to use this gift in a way that will objectify, demean or hurt themselves or others.

Question: How can a person maintain purity of heart?

Answer: A person can maintain purity of heart by protecting their sacred in your space from contamination by and pure influences.

Question: Define fornication and explain why it’s a sin.

Answer: The definition of fornication is when a man and a woman engage in sexual intercourse before they are married. This is a sin because this act separates us from God, which makes us wounded and both body and in spirit.

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