5.01 World War Again

Question: How did the end of WWI, including the Treaty of Versailles, affect Germany?

Answer: The negotiations caused severe, economic, territorial, military, and psychological hardships on Germany.

  • huge national debt from war reparations

  • - stopped trusting their government

  • - nationalism

  • - rise of dictators

  • Question: How did the Munich pact affect Germany? Why was the agreement made?

  • Answer: - gave Germany Sudetenland

  • - Chamberlain meant to prevent another World War

  • Question: How were the three Neutrality Acts different from each other? What did each allow? What were their goals?

  • Answer:

  • Question: What events helped move Americans from isolationism to support for the war?

  • Answer: - Germany conquers France

  • - Mussolini starts fascist govt. in Italy

  • - Roosevelt subtly speaks out for interventionism

  • - Lend-Lease Act

  • - Pearl Harbor

  • Question: The Nye Committee - What were its goals and results?

  • Answer: - lead by Senator George Nye

  • - investigate conspiracy that the United States was pushed into World War I by arms manufacturers for profit

  • - claims were false

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