Marine Corps Drill Commands

Question: “ATTENTION”

Answer: On the command, left foot will come together with right to form a 45° angle on the ground, arms will lock and hands will close into tight fists, with thumbs at the base of trousers. Eyes will look straight ahead.

Question: “(Stand) At, EASE”

Answer: You moved your left foot to the left about shoulder width apart. This command allows you to relax. Right foot may not move. You may not talk.

Question: “REST”

Answer: You move your left foot to the left about shoulder width apart. This command allows you to relax. Right foot may not move. You may quietly talk.

Question: “Parade, REST”

Answer: Another form of attention. But your left leg Is moved out shoulder width apart, and your hands move to the small of your back.

Question: “Dress Right, DRESS”

Answer: Used to get the proper alignment between ranks. Squad leader, head turns left 45° with left arm out. Squad members head turns Right 45° with left arm out. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, jarheads will move to the point where their right shoulder is touching the tips of the other persons left hand.

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