Which Statement Describes The Influence Of Latitude On Temperature


Answer: The angle of the Sun’s rays affects daylight hours, creating warm temperatures all year.

Question: During which months do both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres receive the same amount of energy from the Sun? Check all that apply.






Answer: March


Question: What indicates that an area in the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer?

The Sun is at its lowest point in the sky.

The Sun is directly over Earth’s north end.

The Northern Hemisphere receives fewer direct rays from the Sun.

The northern end of Earth’s axis is tilted away from the Sun.

Answer: The Sun is directly over Earth’s north end.

Question: Why are temperatures more moderate around the fall and spring equinoxes?

The angle at which Earth’s axis tilts changes.

Neither end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the Sun.

The north end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the Sun.

The Earth briefly wobbles on its axis.

Answer: Neither end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the Sun.


Answer: They cause oceanic winds to carry water vapor.

They move warm air masses in certain directions.

They affect the movement of winds that come from oceans.

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