
Question: 第一修正案

Answer: 禁止美国国会制订任何法律以确立国教;妨碍宗教自由;剥夺言论自由;侵犯新闻自由与集会自由;干扰或禁止向政府请愿的权利。

Question: 重点

Answer: 最高法院将演讲和新闻划为信息传播

Question: 重点

Answer: 象征性表达也属于言论自由,例如燃烧的十字架,徽章

Question: 重点

Answer: 禁止人们批评战争,反对堕胎或提倡高税的法律是违反第一修正案条例的

Question: 限制言论的条件

Answer: 1:诽谤(Defamation)

2:真实的威胁(True threats)

3:挑衅(Fighting words)


5:儿童色情(child pornography)

6:商业广告(Commercial advertising)

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What Is The Importance Of Interpretive Framework

Question: What is the importance of interpretive framework?

Answer: It leads to in-depth knowledge of a participant’s social world

Question: Which of the following is an example of an unethical sociological research practice?

Answer: Observing study participants without their consent

Question: Independent variable: number of laptops

Dependent variable: grades

Answer: John wants to study whether a larger number of laptops available to students at his school lead to higher grades. Choose the independent and dependent variable.

Question: Thomas wants to better understand the trends in literacy rate in Baltimore city over the past 50 years using Baltimore city data. What type of research should Thomas conduct?

Answer: Secondary data analysis

Question: Which of the following is an example of nonreactive research?

Answer: Gathering data from government studies

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客家 话

Question: I go

Answer: ngai jiu (我走)

Question: I like

Answer: ngai zhong yi (我中意)

Question: goodbye

Answer: joy gen (再见)

Question: I understand

Answer: ngai min pa(我明白)

Question: I am

Answer: ngai hare (我是)

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Which Sentence Is The Best Example Of Allusion

Question: meter

Answer: In poetry, a pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds A pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds

Question: rhyme scheme

Answer: The pattern of rhymes in a poem. Two or more words or syllables having a similar or identical sound

Question: theme

Answer: An underlying central idea or message that runs through a work of literature and can be expressed in a complete sentence.

Question: stanza

Answer: A series of lines grouped together in a poem.

Question: ballad

Answer: A poem that tells a story and is often meant to be sung. A narrative poem with a singsongy rhythm that was often spoken aloud

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を通して学ぶ 英語

Question: necessary

Answer: The threat of a thunderstorm made it ( ) to cancel the picnic. 雷雨の脅威により、ピクニックをキャンセルする(必要)がありました。

Question: necessarily

Answer: Seats in the front row are not ( ) the best. 最前列の席は(必ずしも)最高ではありません。

Question: necessity

Answer: Sunscreen is an absolute ( ) for the beach. 日焼け止めはビーチにとって絶対に(必要な)ものです。

Question: unnecessary

Answer: Let’s not take any ( ) risks. (不必要な)リスクを冒さないようにしましょう。

Question: doubtful

Answer: They were ( ) about the benefits of the new system. 彼らは新しいシステムの利点について(疑わしい)でした。

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What Is The Heavy Vehicle Formula

Question: Where should your reflectors be placed when stopped on a undivided highway?

Answer: Place within 10 feet of the front or rear corners to mark the location of the vehicle and 100 feet behind and ahead of the vehicle.

Question: When should you downshift automatic transmissions?

Answer: Before going down a hill.

Question: Which of the following best describes the “Heavy Vehicle Formula”?

Answer: One second for each 10 feet of vehicle length at speeds below 40 mph adding 1 second for speeds over 40 mph.

Question: T or F You should use low beams whenever you can.

Answer: False

Question: What are the two ways to know when to shift?

Answer: Engine speed and road speed.

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Which Sentence Best Describes Characteristics Of Renaissance Art

Question: Which sentence best describes characteristics of Renaissance art?

Answer: Renaissance art had both religious and secular themes

Question: Compared with Medieval art, Renaissance art often appeared to be…

Answer: lifelike

Question: Compared with Medieval art, the purpose of Renaissance art was to…

Answer: show the wealth of patrons

Question: Supporters of art during the Renaissance were called

Answer: patrons

Question: Renaissance art often included influences from ancient Greek and Roman

Answer: sculpture and architecture

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Which Type Of Plan Normally Includes Hospice Benefits

Question: Any changes made on an insurance application requires the initials of whom?





Answer: applicant

Question: Which type of plan normally includes hospice benefits?

Short-term disability plans

Group life plans

Workers’ Compensation

Managed care plans

Answer: managed care plans

Question: Which of these do NOT constitute policy delivery?

Policy mailed to applicant

Policy mailed to producer

Policy delivered to the applicant by the producer

Policy issued with a rating

Answer: policy issued with a rating

Question: Which type of plan normally includes hospice benefits? Health Underwriting

Short-term disability plans

Group life plans

Workers’ Compensation

Managed care plans

Answer: managed care plans

Question: An applicant’s medical information received from the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) may be furnished to the


applicant’s spouse

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

applicant’s physician

Answer: applicants physician

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What Made Standard Oil A Horizontal Integration Monopoly

Question: How do monopolies affect the price of goods?

Answer: Monopolies can lower and raise their prices at will.

Question: What was the core business that made Standard Oil a horizontally integrated monopoly?

Answer: refining oil

Question: Which business practice did Rockefeller repeatedly use that helped him succeed in building his oil monopoly?

Answer: In all his businesses, Rockefeller made a profit and used it to expand or buy other businesses.

Question: A government is laissez-faire when it

Answer: does not interfere with business affairs and does not regulate its actions.

Question: What business practice contributed most to Andrew Carnegie’s ability to form a monopoly?

Answer: combining his companies into one company, and controlling all aspects of steel production

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Wis2040 Uf

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What Is The Golgi Apparatus Function

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What Legal Reforms Did Justinian Actually Make

Question: What 3 legal reforms did Justinian make based on Theodora’s urging?




Question: What was the Justinian Code?


Question: Why was Theodora’s upbringing as a circus performer impact her relationship with the Byzantine people?


Question: What trade product helped the Byzantine economy? (Hint: It came from worms)

Answer: Silk from the silk road

Question: What caused most of the conflict within the Byzantine Empire during Justinian’s rule?

Answer: Religious Conflicts

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William Penn Apush

Question: London Company

Answer: also known as the VA Company. Sponsored the creation of Jamestown.

Question: “Starving Time”


Question: House of Burgesses

Answer: (1619) It was the first elected legislative assembly in the new world and was established in the colony of Virginia. It was set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legislative acts; it set a precedent for future parliaments to be established

Question: Lord Baltimore

Answer: received a charter in 1632 for parts of what are now PA, DE, VA and MD. He and his heirs were to hold their province as “true and absolute lords and proprietaries”

Question: Headright System

Answer: 50 acre grants of land which new settlers could acquire in a number of ways. It encouraged family groups to migrate together, since the more family members traveled to America, the larger the land holding the family would receive and it also hoped to bring new laborers to America.

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Which Type Of Equilibrium Exists In A Sealed Flask

Question: Kinetic Energy

Answer: The energy of motion, as opposed to potential energy)energy of position). Temperature

Question: Activation Energy

Answer: The minimum amount of energy required to start a reaction.

Question: Equilibrium, Effect Of Concentration On


Question: Common Ion Effect

Answer: The addition of a common ion to the solution of a slightly soluble salt results in a decrease in the solubility of the salt. The addition of a common ion causes the equilibrium to shift.

Question: Rate Of Reaction, Factors Affecting


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Which Rule Should Be Followed To Stay Safe Online

Question: Which of these are illegal activities? Check all that apply.

Answer: running a pyramid scheme

threatening to harm property

hacking a computer

Question: Which rule should be followed to stay safe online?

Answer: Ask an adult for permission to download.

Question: When does personal information often need to be entered online?

Answer: when gaining access to a website

Question: Which best explains why it is impossible to avoid inappropriate content online?

Answer: Inappropriate content can be accessed accidentally.

Question: A hacker is someone who

Answer: accesses someone’s computer without permission.

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What Kind Of Cells Have A Cell Membrane

Question: The thin covering that all cells have is called what?

Answer: Cell membrane

Question: What is cytology?

Answer: The study of cells.

Question: Phospholipids have what two distinct ends?

Answer: Hydrophilic end that likes to be in water.

Hydrophobic end that avoids contact with water.

Question: What is the membrane model described in the text, and explain the meaning of the model’s name.

Answer: Fluid mosaic model - The lipids form a flexible (fluid) film in which proteins are embedded, making different patterns (mosaics).

Question: What characteristic of cell membranes allows for some substances to pass through them but not others?

Answer: Selectively permeable.

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What Is The Function Of The Mouth

Question: List the 7 sections of the digestive system in order that food will be passed through them.

Answer: The sections involved in digestion are : oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum.

Question: 2.Name 6 organs that are considered accessory organs to digestion because no food actually passes through them?

Answer: The liver, gall bladder, pancreas, salivary glands, teeth, tongue.

Question: 3.How does the tongue aid digestion?

Answer: The tongue traps food and forces it into the throat. Swallowing.

Question: 4.Summarize the role of enzymes in digestion.

Answer: Enzymes are important in the chemical breakdown of food. Enzymes are used to break down large molecules that are taken in as food into smaller, more manageable molecules that the body can absorb and use.

Question: 5.Summarize the role of the mouth in digestion.

Answer: The function of the mouth is to form a receptacle for food, to begin mechanical digestion through chewing and to swallow food.

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Which Two Particles Are Found In An Atom'S Nucleus

Question: What three particles are found in an atom?

Answer: The three particles found in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Question: Which two particles are found in an atom’s nucleus?

Answer: The two particles found in the nucleus are protons and neutrons.

Question: Why do scientists use models to study atoms?

Answer: Scientists study models because atoms are too small to be seen.

Question: Which two particles in an atom are equal in the number?

Answer: The atoms that are equal in the number are protons and electrons.

Question: How are elements identified in terms of their atoms?

Answer: Elements can be identified in terms of their atoms by the number of protons in the nucleus.

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Question: “ءَآلْآَنَ وَقَدْ كُنتُم بِهِ تَسْتَعْجِلُون”

Answer: سكون أصلى بعد حرف المد فى نفس الكلمة.

الحكم: مد لازم كلمى مخفف

المقدار: 6 حركات

Question: “ءَآلْآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ”

Answer: سكون أصلى بعد حرف المد فى نفس الكلمة.

الحكم: مد لازم كلمى مخفف

المقدار: 6 حركات

Question: الْحَآقَّة

Answer: حرف مشدد بعد حرف المد فى نفس الكلمة

الحكم : مد لازم كلمي مثقل

المقدار: 6 حركات

Question: الضَّآلِّين

Answer: حرف مشدد بعد حرف المد فى نفس الكلمة

الحكم : مد لازم كلمي مثقل

المقدار: 6 حركات

Question: الصَّآخَّة

Answer: حرف مشدد بعد حرف المد فى نفس الكلمة

الحكم : مد لازم كلمي مثقل

المقدار: 6 حركات

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What Isotope Has 13 Protons And 14 Neutrons

Question: An aluminum isotope consists of 13 protons, 13 electrons, and 14 neutrons. Its mass number is…

Answer: 27

Question: Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the

Answer: electrons

Question: The mass number of 1 mol of chromium (atomic mass 51.996 amu) is

Answer: 51.996g.

Question: Whose series of experiments identified the nucleus of the atom?

Answer: Rutherford

Question: What element is present as 1.o mole if thee are 63.5 grams of it in a sample?

Answer: Cu

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