USSOCOM Intelligence Oversight Course

Contains 12 Questions


1) The Intelligence Oversight program was established to ensure protection of the rights of US persons and to regulate DOD intelligence activities.



2) The Intelligence Oversight program only applies to personnel with intelligence specialties, since they are responsible for intelligence related functions at USSOCOM.



3) The intelligence Oversight program applies to US persons. A US person is defined as: - A natural born or naturalized citizen - A legally documented permanent resident alien - US corporations - Any organization or group composed primarily of US citizens



4) USSOCOM may collect and retain information on US persons for up to 180 days while determining if the information may be retained permanently as pertaining to command mission.



5) Procedures 14 and 15, Employee Conduct and Questionable Activity, outline individual responsibility to abide by the restrictions of USSOCOM Manual 381-10 and to report any questionable activity.



6) The USSOCOM Inspector General (IG) provides legal counsel on Intelligence Oversight issues.



7) USSOCOM Manual 381-10 implements Executive Order 12333 and is comprised of 15 procedures. These procedures only apply to DOD intelligence components.



8) Assuming you have the mission and assigned duties, you can collect or retain information on a US person that is supporting Al-Qaida.



9) An intelligence report identifies a US company and indicates links between the company and international terrorists. Assuming you have the mission and assigned duties, the report can be collected or retained?



10) A SOCOM analyst assigned open source research duties discovers an Al-Qaida website that contains the names of US persons waging Jihad against American forces in Afghanistan. Can the information be collected or retained.



11) An intelligence report collected by the FBI and sent to SOCOM analysts indicates the names of US persons that are members of anti-government protest movements. Can the information be retained?



12) Procedure 4, Dissemination, permits USSOCOM to disseminate on US persons if the recipient has a requirement for the information to perform a lawful function.
