Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) II Exam

  1. To Minimize the Insider Threat, Practice:

    • Awareness, Prevention, and Deterrence

  2. What must be addressed in an AT plan?

    • Exercise and Training, Intelligence, Coordination

  3. Which of the Following statements are true regarding terrorist operations?

    • Terrorists select multiple targets as potential locations for the actual operation

    • Terrorists rehearse the operation in an environment mirroring the target location or in the target location itself

  4. During a Risk Assessment, which elements must be considered to make well-informed decisions?

    • All of the above

  5. Which paragraph of the AT plan defines the requirements for supporting the AT Plan?

    • Administration and logistics

  6. Which of the following are examples of expedient perimeter barriers?

    • Ropes, Jersey wall segments

  7. As part of assessing the existence of a terrorist threat, the DoD analyzed a terrorist group’s actual record of conducting an attack, and their ability and desire to conduct future attacks. Which of the following methodology factors did the DoD take into account?

    • Terrorist history and intentions

    • Terrorist operational capabilities

  8. The ATO is ___________

    • The expert within an organization for generating, prioritizing, and appropriately documenting AT requirements

    • Responsible for continuously documenting funding requirements

  9. Training conducted in a clandestine fashion at the cell level by members of the terrorist group within the targeted country is considered ___________

    • Internal training

  10. Which of the following are types of biological agents?

    • Viruses

    • Toxins

  11. Which AT Plan exercises uses scenario driven events to test specific portions of the AT Plan?

    • Drill

  12. During an active shooter situation, you should:

    • Hide

    • Take Action

    • Evacuate

  13. If a hostage senses or realizes a rescue attempt is imminent, the hostage should:

    • Drop to the floor and remain still until rescuers provide instructions

  14. Which of the following are reasons why AT plan exercises are important?

    • All of the above

  15. Which of the following are potential indicators of an insider threat?

    • All of the above

  16. Why do terrorists use a compartmented cell structure?

    • Makes it difficult to penetrate the entire organization

    • Compromise or loss of one cell does not compromise the other cells

  17. A Threat Assessment (TA):

    • Results from a threat analysis and must be performed annually at installation level

  18. The Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiatives Fund (CbT RIF):

    • Finances emergent or emergency high-priority combating terrorism requirements

  19. A dirty bomb_____________ (Select all that apply)

    • Is used by terrorists to frighten people and make the land around the explosion unusable for a long period of time

    • Combines conventional explosives with radioactive materials

  20. Match the following types of vehicle barriers with their description

    • Expedient barriers - Comprised of material used for other purposes

    • Active barriers - Require action by personnel or equipment for entry

    • Moveable barriers - May require heavy equipment to be relocated

    • Fixed barriers - Permanently installed

    • Passive barriers - Rely on weight to prevent entry

    • Portable barriers - May be relocated quickly

  21. Chemical agents are:

    • Nerve agents, such as sarin, that interfere with the functioning of the nervous system

    • Identifiable with the sudden onset of symptoms

  22. Which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)

    • DoD 5200.8-R addresses the physical security of personnel, installations, operations, and assets of DoD Components.

    • Physical security measures are a combination of active or passive systems, devices, and security personnel used to protect a security interest from possible threats.

  23. Which of the following statements are true?

    • The Commander uses a Vulnerability Assessment to determine the susceptibility of assets to attack from threats

  24. Force Protection Conditions are _________________(Select all that apply)

    • A system fo preventive measures used by DoD to mitigate hostile actions

    • Identified as NORMAL, ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, or DELTA

  25. Which paragraph of the AT plan lists the specific tasks for each subordinate unit?

    • Execution

  26. Which of the following are common characteristic of a ramming attack? (Select all that apply)

    • Lack of observable indicators immediately before the attack

    • Targeting of public venues

  27. Which of the following statements illustrate the correct application of the DoD Code of Conduct? (Select all that apply)

    • As a hostage, Service members should not, under any circumstances, support or encourage their captors.

    • Service members on assignment in an area prone to terrorist activity shall follow the appropriate counterterrorism measures.

  28. Why might a potential captor take a victim hostage? (Select all that apply)

    • For the publicity the situation would generate

    • Because the victim may be a source of trouble otherwise

    • Because the victim is in the wrong place at the wrong time

  29. A state-supported terrorist group operates:

    • Independently, but receives substantial outside support

  30. Security functions that must be performed for a physical security system to protect DoD assets include_____________

    • All of the above

  31. Which funding category does a resource fall in if it is important to the mission, but has a low vulnerability?

    • Should fund

  32. When law enforcement arrives, you should: (Select all that apply)

    • Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions

    • immediately raise hands and spread fingers

  33. A terrorist threat level is ______________ (select all that apply)

    • Identified as High, Significant, Moderate, or Low

    • An indication that a terrorist group is operationally active and targeting U.S. interests

  34. Which of the following are considered common goals of terrorist groups?

    • All of the abovve

  35. Which of the following statements are true?

    • The purpose of the criticality Assessment is to provide a prioritized list of assets based on the necessity for mission completion.

  36. Factors contributing to the onset of the Stockholm syndrome include the hostage___________. (Select all that apply)

    • Seeing the captor’s human qualities

    • Having positive contact with the captor