Records Management

1. *AFI 33-322

2. Which statement is correct pertaining to the evolution of changes made to AFI 33-322? a. establishing a records management program is optional b. Commanders have one year to develop/document their records management program. c. Commanders have many options when it comes to assigning records management POCs. ****d. The secretary of the Air Force can override the Federal mandate on the need for having a records management program.

3. Who holds primary responsibility for properly maintaining Air Force records? a. Military members b. Department of defense contractors c. Department of the Air Force civilians ****d. All of the Above.

4. Where are the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved disposition instructions listed? a. Base Records Manager’s SharePoint page b. Electronic Records Management (ERM) drive c. Table and Rules (T&R) of the AF Records Guidance Schedule (RGS) ****d. Table and Rules (T&R) of the AF Records Disposition Schedule (RDS)

5. The role of the Base Records Manager in the Records Management hierarchy is to _____ a. direct the Air Force Records Program and all associated activities. b. provide management and oversight of the Major Commands’ records programs. c. oversee the installation records management program, manage the staging areas, and provide training. ****d. ensure the Air Force complies with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, and policies.

6. Poorly managed records can result in _____________ ***a. the government being exposed to legal liabilities. ***b. the loss of access to individual’s benefits ***c. historical records being lost forever. ***d. safety and security incidents.

7. Who ensures that the Base Records Manager (BRM) role is filled? a. Group Commander b. Squadron Commander ****c. Installation Commander d. Command Records Manager

8. After assuming command, how long does a commander have to publish a records management plan or affirm the existing plan is in use? a. 30 Days ***b. 60 Days c. 6 Months d. 1 year

9. Who records responses for record searches in AFRIMS? a. Only Unit POCs b. Only Commanders c. Only Base Records Managers ****d. Designated POCs record results for their respective office

10. How are records that are identified during Litigation/Records Search treated? a. There are no specific requirements for how records are treated ****b. Normal disposition is suspended until the litigation Hold is lifted. c. Records are frozen until they reach their disposition date, then can be destroyed d. once identified on the litigation worksheet they can return to their normal disposition schedule.

11. Match the records Type to the Time that you can expect to receive the record once it is requested Useful Records 4-6 months Essential Records 12-72 hours Necessary Records 2-6 weeks

12. An essential records disaster plan ________ ***a. has records that are properly marked, stored, and have valid backups ***b. must be located in the base, agency, or MAJCOM emergency preparedness plan c. is required even if your organization does not maintain essential records. ***d. establishes a disaster and restoration plan for both paper and electronic essential records

ensuring proper collection preservation -all which statement is not true pertains to maintaing effective - individuals cannot be held liable not records -selfie, af times, slip type of document peacetime wartime -record emergency operting records legal financial -essential create, mx, dispo considered official record -signed approved released action that requires search for info and prevent it from being destroyed -lit hold min members leaving fed service require -personal docs