JKO Organizational Ethics Questions and Answers

Of the following, what is the most important ethical duty of healthcare organizations and their leaders?

Upholding the rights of patients

What are the ethical guidelines that are established by professional societies usually called?

Codes of Ethics

What makes Mayo Clinic's value statement particularly effective?

The definition of each organizational value

When developing and communicating clear standards of conduct, the code should:

Provide illustrations and guidelines, particularly in "gray" areas

How should the joint commission (TJC) standards on organizational ethics be viewed?

As a minimum set of ethical responsibilities

True or false: standards and procedures to guide behavior is a structural component of an ethics program.


What statement sets an ethical tone and best represents the "soul" of the organization?

Values statement

True or false: "act with an entrepreneurial mindset" is one of the four basic principles of organizational ethics.


What defines the organizations basic philosophy, principles, and ideals?

Values or guiding principles statement

True or false: random evaluations of program effectiveness is a recommended structural component for an ethics program


What is the most important cultural/leadership component in an ethics program?

Refine management systems to support the ethics program

True or false: the stakeholder that would benefit from implementation of the principle "provide care with compassion" is the employee.
