JKO Navy Suicide Prevention Training for Providers

According to DoDI 6490.08 "Healthcare providers shall follow a presumption that they are not to notify a Service member's commander when a Service member obtains mental health care or substance abuse education services unless certain conditions are met." Which of the following is a situation when a command SHOULD be notified?

The provider believes there is serious risk of a Service member harming him/herself or someone else

Which acute warning sign below would be classified as a Tier 1 warning sign based on the consensus groups developed by Rudd and colleagues in 2006?

Seeking ways to kill self

What is the name of the nomenclature developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Rocky Mountain MIRECC to describe suicidal thoughts and behaviors?

Self-Directed Violence Classification System

A history of childhood trauma and a parent who has died by suicide are examples of which of the following?

Risk Factors

Besides perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, what is the third component of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide Risk?

Acquired capability

What risk factor present in both military and civilian and military populations carries the highest risk for a future suicide attempt?

Previous suicide attempt

What is the theory that examines the way baseline risk interacts with acute stressors to explain the changing nature of suicide risk?

Individual Risk Theory

Accessible and available social support, life satisfaction, strong therapeutic alliance and hopefulness are examples of what?

Acute risk factors

Which statement about safety planning is correct?

A safety plan should incorporate (1) mood regulation techniques, (2) pleasant activities, and (3) emergency numbers.

When completing a risk assessment with patients, providers should ask what type of questions?

Neutral, non-judgmental and direct questions

Which of the following terms is NOT recommended for use with regard to suicide?


What is the name of the document that provides a general guide to best practices for addressing suicide with military-connected patients?

VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide.

Safe firearm storage should be discussed with which patients?

All suicidal patients regardless of identified means for suicide

Once a Safety Plan has been completed, what should the provider discuss with the patient?

Where to store the plan

What are some co-occurring health conditions that are identified as increasing overall risk for suicide?

Sleep problems and chronic pain

What is the term used to describe an organized response following a suicide?

Suicide Postvention

The Marine Intercept Program (MIP) and the Navy Sailor Assistance and Intercept for Life (SAIL) program offer case management and support services to individual Service members following a suicide attempt.


Which statement best describes a Safety Plan?

A prioritized list of coping strategies and sources developed collaboratively between patient and provider

In the Navy, the person designated by their commanding officer who organizes suicide prevention trainings and ensures suicide prevention materials are accessible at the command is called the ______?

Command Prevention Representative

How should the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale be used?

As suicide screening tools

Warning signs of suicide


the voluntary or intentional act of causing one's own death

suicidal ideation

thinking about and planning one's own death

suicide attempt

nonfatal, del-inflicted destructive act with an intent to die as a result of behavior


capacity to withstand, recover, grow, and adapt in the force of stressors and changing demands.

What do you do if someone is a risk of suicide?

Ask Care Treat (ACT)

Identify an individual who is part of the suicide prevention program (SPP) resources

Chaplain, Medical professional

What is the purpose of the Navy Suicide Prevention Program?

Implement support, Promote sailor resilience, Reduce risk of suicide