JKO Maintainer's Training

How often, during the Precision Check, do you remove the SCS-1000 vial and mix it?

Every 4 cycles.

What is the voltage reading and tolerance level that you should measure after replacing the Switching Regulator board?

12.5VDC +/- 0.1

If CELLCLEAN is not available for the cleaning processes, what other product is recommended?

Unscented Clorox

In the Detection Unit, the Transducer Chamber performs cell counting by measuring the cell's _______________ using a lower detect......

electrical resistance, 58 VDC

What position adjustment procedure follows the Mixing Chamber position adjustment?


From the choices below, what Piercer position adjustment only needs a verification?

Mixing Chamber position

Syringe Unit No. 21 is called the ____________ and uses a ___________ to move the syringe up and down.

diluents syringe, Stepping Motor (STM1)

True or false? When replacing the Pinch Valve pharmed tubing, it is required to remove the front panel cover.


When performing the solenoid valve and motor test, what mechanical and electrical checks are required for the solenoid valves?

The voltage to energize the solenoid valves is 5 VCD +/- 0.1 and listen for the click when the solenoids turn on and off. (?????)

According the NFPA 99, 2012 Edition, which of the below measurements is an acceptable tolerance for Power Cord Resistance?


True of false? Since the CPU and Analog board are stacked, you will have to remove the CPU board first to access the Analog board.


What devices can be connected to the three connections on the right side of the pocHi?

Host computer and barcode scanner.

When performing PMCS, which of the processes requires gauze, tweezers, and CELLCLEAN?

Clean Mixing Chamber

How to you mix the PLT Latex Calibrator?

Gently swirl twelve times.

The HGB detection circuit on the Analog board receives a current-voltage signal that is produced by an LED flashing at what wavelength in the HGB flow cell unit?

555 nanometers

Which software calibration adjustment uses CELLCHECK-400?

WBC Sensitivity

What scheduled part(s) need to be replaced every six months?

Pharmed tube and Pinch Valve filter.

What electrical safety consideration needs to be made when disassembling the pocHi?

Never disassemble the unit when the power is on.

When replacing the _________, it is recommended that the data be backed up.

CPU Board

How long does the SCS-1000 last after it equilibrates and the vial is open?

4 hr