JKO Introduction to the Mission Partner Environment

What were the primary constraints that faced COMISAF in 2009? (Select all that apply)

A) Primary use of SIPRNET **
B) Internet connection speeds
C) Inability to speak to all mission partners and simultaneously, if needed **
D) Mission partners not available to take phone calls
E) Too few ad-hoc inter-connection points between national systems **

Why did COMISAF want to adopt a "share-to-win" mentality when it came to information?

A) Increased risk when information was not shared **
B) International press and media pressure
C) Technological advances
D) All of the above

Why is it important to assess mission partners' capabilities and limitations as well as their abilities to contribute? (Select all that apply)

a) It is a DOD requirement
b) This is an essential part of US Forces' own Center of Gravity
c) How the COGs relate to each other much be defined and understood **
d) To provide humanitarian aid to the mission partner in times of need
e) Must assess how mission partners will be integrated into the operational approach
---- COG-focused answer, did not get correct, would guess B & C at a minimum

How does MPE close the operational gap that commanders experienced using the SIPRNET?

a) MPE users use CAC cards to gain access to a single secure network
b) MPE users use PKI technology to share information on a single computer network
c) MPS users leverage key attributes of the JIE IT infrastructure, enterprise services, and architectures to share information on a single security architecture **
d)All of the above

What should you consider when evaluating whether information should be shared? (Select all that apply)

a) What information can be shared? **
b) What is the safest place to exchange information?
c) What information will be shared? **
d) What information has already been shared?
e) How will the information be shared? **

It is best to include the foreign disclosure officers (FDOs) in the planning process from the beginning?

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What are the information sharing practices that comprise the MPE "Circle of Trust"? (Select all that apply)

a. Sharing practices that represent a significant shift from a 'need to know' environment to a 'share-to-win' culture **
b. All partners share information equally within one releasability caveat for planning, situational awareness and execution **
c. Although the security level is the same, there are some guards that restrict data and information flows
d. There are two security levels; one at Phase 0 and the other beginning at Phase 1
e. There are no guards against restricting data and information flows. **

MPE closed the operational gap in C2 by leveraging the Global Command and Control Family of Systems

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The shared approach to determine information sharing requirements in a MPE construct are;

OPLAN Annex K xx
Coalition Joint mission threads
International business standards

When the balance is in the favor of share-to-win, it is best to include the FDOs in the planning process from the beginning

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The JIE provides a(n) _____________________ to improve global communications for DOD

multi-level security architecture
open source security environment
Worldwide Communications Operations Center
single level security architecture **

When conducting operational planning you must: (Select all that apply)

Identify the strategic direction and operational environment **
Limit mission partners' access to the planning process
Ignore centers of gravity
Develop an operational approach **
Define the problem **

Leveraging the JIE infrastructure allows commanders to ___________ and ______________ in a single security domain

train, operate
maneuver, attack xx
retreat, flank
deploy, redeploy

What should you consider when evaluating whether information should be shared? (Select all that apply)

What information exchange network is the safest?
How will the information be shared? **
What information can be shared? **
What information will be shared? **
What information has already been shared?

What command and control areas were negatively impacted by the national stand-alone network configuration in Afghanistan? (Select all that apply)

Secure networks were subject to compromise xx
Increased military risk
Unity of Effort xx
Blue Force Tracking/Friendly Fire xx

Areas that provide a commander the required tools for a multinational information sharing solution are (Select all that apply)

The Internet
Joining, Membership, and Exit Instructions (JMEI) xx
Common technical standards

The JIE single security architecture closes a military communication gap by allowing all partners access to a common mission network

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Why do we need to shift Multinational Operations off the US SIPRNET?

SIPRNET information and intelligence reports on the network had to be limited due to the security level of non-US coalition mission partners
SIPRNET constrained the commander's ability to combine and tailor Allied and coalition forces to realize their full warfighting potential **
SIPRNET is limited to only CONUS operations
SIPRNET technical requirements frequently exceeded coalition partners' computer capabilities

Before moving to the Afghanistan Mission Network, the national stand-alone network configuration in Afghanistan met all the operational needs of the Commander, International Security Assistance Force (COMISAF).

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