JKO Introduction to Non-Lethal Weapons

What is Less than deadly force.

This type of force used is not expected to cause severe injury or death, and all effects are meant to be reversible.

Overcome the resistance by the offender or others.

The use of force applied through less than lethal techniques is the use of a reasonable amount of force necessary to do what?

Gain control, restore order, and/or affect a lawful apprehension.

What are the goals of less than lethal techniques?

1) Discourage, delay, or prevent hostile actions; 2) Limit escalation of situations; 3) Protect Security Forces personnel and property.

What are the objectives of less than deadly force?

Non-lethal Use of Force.

This type of force is defined as "the level of force necessary to compel a subjects compliance, which is neither likely, nor intended to cause death.

Intermediate Weapons.

These types of weapons are "designed and employed to incapacitate personnel, while minimized fatalities and permanent injury to personnel and property."

Electronic Control Device, Expandable Baton, and Oleoresin Capsicum Pepper Spray.

What non-lethal weapons does Security Forces typically carry?


What non-lethal weapon is typically used for crowd dispersal?


What non-lethal weapons is typically used for tactical room and confined space entry?

1) Relatively reversible effects on personnel or material; 2) Affect objects differently within their area of influence.

What two characteristics do non-lethal weapons have?

The Career-Field Manager (CFM).

Who will specify what non-lethal weapons and techniques training will be received by the respective AFSC?

What are the 3 Objectives of Less than lethal force

1. To discourage, delay, or prevent hostile actions

2. Limit escalation of situation or incident

3. Protect SF, personnel, and property

True or False: all effects of Less than lethal are meant to be reversible


When is less than lethal force authorized to be used

- To protect SF personnel or others from injury or continuation of assault

- Against persons offering physical resistance to lawful apprehension

- Against persons passively resisting a lawful apprehension

What is Intermediate Force

The level of force necessary to compel a subjects compliance, which is neither likely, nor intended to cause death

What are intermediate weapons designed to do?

To incapacitate personnel or material while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel, and damage to property and the environment

What are some examples of intermediate weapons described in the study guide

Expandable baton, pepper spray, electronic control device, MWD, and handcuffs

Why is the term "less than lethal force" used

Because there is no guarantee that non-lethal weapons will not cause severe injury or death

True or False: Less than deadly force is subject to the same standards of objective reasonableness and totality of circumstances as deadly force


What are the two intended characteristics when employing non lethal weapons

That they have relatively reversible effects of personnel or materiel and that they affect objects differently within their area of influence

Part of the success of Joint Operation United Shield was due to NLWs being included in the operational planning process.


Part of the success of Joint Operation United Shield was due to NLWs being included in the operational planning process.

tailor their response to the threat more precisely

Which of the responses below is "NOT" a possible effect of a Human Electro-Muscular Incapacitation (HEMI) device such as a TASER?

Heating sensation on the skin

Heating sensation on the skin

Are reversible

This counter-materiel task requires you to make the target inoperable, or deny use or deny access to the target.
Your answer: Deny access to a facility

Disable vehicles, vessels, and aircraft on the ground

This counter-materiel task focuses on preventing vehicles, vessels, aircrafts, or individuals from entering a facility through a designed access or entry point.

Deny access to a facility

What color spectrum for optical devices is typically used due to its effectiveness on the human eye?


How can NLW promote coalition support?

By providing a gradual response option, reducing collateral damage and minimizing fatalities

By providing a gradual response option, reducing collateral damage and minimizing fatalities

Rules of Engagement (ROE)

Counter-Personnel NLWs are employed in order to achieve a desired effect and create a condition in which service members can operate more freely while minimizing disruption to their mission. Which of the following is a counter-personnel task?

Disable Individuals

In which step of the troop leading procedures (TLPs) does the unit consider ROE/EOF implications on the mission?

Receive the Mission

Non-lethal weapons provide commanders the flexibility to tailor their response to the threat more precisely which enables them to limit both __________ and collateral damage.

civilian casualties

What non-lethal device stops a vehicle when the barbed spikes on the leading edge of the net become entangled in the front wheels and axles of a vehicle?

Vehicle Lightweight Arresting Device (VLAD)

This developmental counter-materiel device uses RF energy to affect the electrical systems/components of a vehicle causing it to come to a stop without endangering the occupants of the targeted vehicle.

Pre-Emplaced Electric Vehicle Stopper (PEVS)

Pre-Emplaced Electric Vehicle Stopper (PEVS)

Shout, Show, Shove, Shoot, Shoot

Personal space (in front)

3 feet

Personal space (to the side)

1.5 feet

Personal space (to the rear)

5 feet

Intimate zone

Space we only allow those closest to us to enter. About 18 inches

Social Zone

Space we normally converse with others. 6 feet

Public zone

Distanve of others in a public area (18 feet)

Reactionary zone

4-6 feet

Males vs females

Males are more territorial than females and have larger personal zones

Show concern

Make eye contact and tilt head skightly forward

Show support

Make eye contact and slightly nod head

Show confidence

Make eye contact while keeping head erect

Show authority

Make direct uniterupted eye contact, keep head and shoulders straight


Wide eyes with uniterupted stare

Stages of conflict

1 anxiety
2 verbal aggression
3 physical aggresion


Fear of unknown, noticeable change in behavior

Verbal aggresion

This is considered the testing stage

Physical aggression

Act if physical violence

5 levels of listening

1) ignoring another person
2) pretending to listen
3) selective listening
4) attentitive listening
5) empathetic listening

Ignoring abother person

Not listening at all, too preoccupied by distractions

Pretending to listen

Replying; "yeah" "uh-huh" or "right"

Selective listening

Listening but only hearing parts of the conversation

Attentitive listening

Listening to the words but not the feelings of abother person

Empathetic listening

Really trying to understand how another person feels

Verbalization purposes

1) makes us breathe
2) reduces stress
3) enhances performance
4) establishes authorith
5) provides direction
6) reduces potential escalation
7) alert others if a confrontation
8) creates witnesses
9) shows self confidence
10) shows assertiveness

Verbal commands

They should be short snd loud


Adds volume and distance

Angular cornering

Physically boxing the aggressor in a corner

Surround cornering

Several persons forming a circle or semi-circle around an aggressor

Contact cornering

Grabbing a potential aggressor

Psychological cornering

Giving a direct order

Exit cornering

Forcing a potential aggressor into your personal space

Mental conditioning *

-Enhance learning and reaction of new skills
-eliminate bad skills or habits
-control stress
-improve physical performance

6 parts of baton

1) threaded tip
2) friction lock shaft
3) retention collar
4) grip
5) retention clip
6) replaceable cap

Parts of the body

3 parts

5 baton blocks

1) high block
2) low block
3) strong side block
4) weak side block
5) middle block

4 baton strikes

1) Forward strike
2) reverse strike
3) rear jab
4) middle strike

3 baton carries

1) Outside the arm
2) two handed
3) vertical

2 baton draws

1) Cross draw
2) strong side

What zone is the collarbone


How many parts of the body are there?


Cross draw

A high profile draw

Vertical carry

Used after executing cross draw or strong side draw. Used when there is an open area to land strong side strikes

Middle strike

Thrust friction lock shaft forward in a horizontal manner

Level of pungency in O.C.

18-22 percent

O.C. Effective range

3 to 12 feet

OC minimum spray distance

36 inches

Length of time to spray OC

.5 to 1 second

OC draws

1) strong side
2) cross draw
3) tactical assist

OC stances

1) 2 handed
2) one handed
3) 2 handed conceal
4) low profile carry

Supervision after OC spray

2 hours

Check for ______ after OC spray

Airway, breathing, circulation

Light hands

Less than 100% while training


3 and 9 positions

4 m's

Mind, mass, movement, muscle

Forearm block

Absorb 2/3 of the way using the meaty portion

This is crucial

Muscle relaxation

This is key

Weight transfer

Striking portion of elbow

2 inches above or below elbow

Striking portion of knee

2 inches above knee

Joints in the body


Compliant escort

1) When approaching from the flanks, grab bicep with both hands
2) make hip to hip contact
3) extend arm across the chest
4) make sure arm is centered on the chest
5) while focusing on the head provide task direction

Barell grab

Working to the outside technique

Weapons grab

Use linear or cross weapons retention technique

Holster grab

Use linear or cross weapons retention technique