JKO Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) (CUI)

Mission Analysis

analysis of the friendly mission. This analysis helps to identify specified, implied, and essential tasks, any constraints on the application of military force, the JFC's task and purpose (restated mission), and possible follow-on

course of Action Development

take into consideration factors such as relative force ratios, initial force
dispositions, and possible schemes of maneuver. The number of friendly COAs developed should remain manageable while still addressing each adversary COA. The J- 2 identifies, evaluates, and prioritizes all adversary COAs (JIPOE step four) in sufficient time for them to be integrated into the friendly COA development effort.

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE

the analytical process joint intelligence organizations use to produce intelligence assessments, estimates, and other intelligence products in support of the joint force commander's (JFC's) decision making process.

JIPOE process assists JFC with information superiority

- identifying adversary COG's
- Focusing INtelligence collection at the right time and place
- analyzing the impact of the operation Environment (OE) on military operations

components of the holistic view of the Operational environment

- Physical areas and factors
- information environment (physical, informational, cognitive) (Cyberspace)
- A systems perspective (PMESEII)

JIPOE steps of intelligence process

- Intelligence Planning and Direction
- Intelligence collection
- Processing and exploitation
- Analysis and Production
- Dissemination and Integration
- Evaluation and Feedback

JIPOE Process

1 - Define the Operational Environment
2 - Describe the impact of the operational environment
3 - Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors
4 - Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action
(Part of the holistic view of the Operational Environment)

Define the Operational Environment (JIPOE step 1)

1 - Identify the joint forces op area
2 - Analyze the mission and JFC intent
3 - Determine the significant characteristics of the OE
4 - Identify limits of the JF AoI
5 - Determine Intelligence and Information Priorities, Gaps, and Shortfalls
6 - Determine Intelligence and Information Priorities, Gaps, and Shortfalls
7 - Collect Material and Submit Requests for Information to Support Further Analysis

Describe the impact of the OE (JIPOE Step 2)

1. Develop a Geospatial perspective of the OE
2. Develop a systems perspective of the OE
3. Describe the impact of the OE on adversary and friendly capabilities and broad COA

Geospatial Perspective

Helps analyze the relevant physical, nonphysical, and locational aspects of the OE


a system is an interconnected or interrelated network, group or chain- a functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly interacting or interdependent elements that forms a unified whole


represents the elements within a system that can be targeted for action


represents the technical, human/social, functional, organization, and thought/intent relationship between nodes.

Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors (JIPOE step 3)

1. Update or create adversary and other relevant actor models
2. determine the current adversary and other relevant actor situation
3. identify adversary and other relevant actor centers of gravity and decisive points
4. identify adversary and other relevant actor capabilities and vulnerabilites

Adversary/relevant actor models

- Graphical depictions of adversary patterns of operation
- descriptions of the adversary's preferred tactics/options
- list of high-value targets (HVTs)

Current Adversary situation (step 3 substep 2)

available intel sources, methods, tech, and databases continuously exploited to analyze and determine current situation of the adversary and other relevant actors
- composition and disposition
- Strength
- Training Status
- Logistics
- Effectiveness
- Electronic tech data
- Personalities
- Misc data (other data that contributes)

Determining Adversary COAs (JIPOE step 4)

1. identify the adversary's and other relevant actor's likely objectives and desired end state
2. identify the full set of adversary and other relevant actor courses of action
3. evaluate and prioritize each course of action
4. develop each course of action in the amount of detail time allows
5. identify initial collection requirements

COA criteria

- suitability (potential to achieve obj or desired end state)
- feasibility (sufficient time, space, and resources to execute COA)
- acceptability (should not exceed adversary's risk level)
- Uniqueness (significantly different from other adversary COA)
- Consistent with doctrine/patterns of operation (TTPs & observed practices)

Army Doctrine Publications

Contains fundamental principles by which military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national objectives

Joint Operation Phasing Model

• Phase 0 - Shape
• Phase 1 - Deter
• Phase 2 - Seize Initiative
• Phase 3 - Dominate
• Phase 4 - Stabilize
• Phase 5 - Enable Civil Authority

Define Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE)

Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE) is the analytical, predictive, and holistic process used by joint intelligence organizations use to produce intelligence assessments, estimates, and other intelligence products in support of the Joint Force Commanders decision- making process.

Explain Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE)

JIPOE is a continuous process that involves four major steps. The four major steps are; define the operation environment, describe the impact of the operation environment, evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors, and determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of actions.

elaborate Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE)

1st step in the JIPOE process is defining the operation environment by identifying those aspects and significant characteristics that maybe relevant to the joint force's mission. Step one of JIPOE

There are 7 sub steps to define the OE.

2nd Step- geospatial and systems perspective of the OE are developed using 3 sub-steps.

The 3rd step is identifying and evaluating the adversary's capabilities and limitation, current situations, center of gravity (COG), patterns of operations, and TTPs employed by adversary

There are 3 sub-steps.

4th step in the JIPOE provides a methodology to analyze the set of potential adversary COAs in order to identify the COA the adversary is most likely to adopt and the COA that would be most dangerous to friendly forces and to mission accomplishment.

There are 5 sub-steps in the fourth step of JIPOE.

1st example of Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE)

Personnel sent to observe an NAI, to observe enemy activity which has been identified as an indicator of enemy COA 1. This happens in step 4 of JIPOE process.

2nd example of Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operation Environment (JIPOE)

The terrain limited the movement of troops throughout the OE. This impacted the mission. This is an example of step 2 of the JIPOE process.