06.04 First Aid And Cpr

Question: What is the citizen responder to do first in an emergency?

Answer: Recognizing an Emergency exists


Question: What is the most important thing you can do in an emergency situation?

Answer: Decide to act


Question: Know and understand the order and content of the three emergency action steps?

Answer: Check the scene, Call 911, Care for person


Question: Why do you check the scene before you enter an emergency situation?

Answer: Is the scene safe, Is immediate danger involved, what happened, How many people are involved, are bystander available to help, what is wrong with the person.


Question: Understand what it means to give consent and how that relates to a victim that is unconscious

Answer: Expressed consent comes from a person who is an adult and competent and able to make rational informed decisions, implied consent-for an unconscious person the law assumes that if the person was conscious they would agree to care, for a minor you must get permission from a legal guardian


Question: What do you do first when you check a child and you realize that he or she suffers from severe bleeding?

Answer: Call 911


Question: How do you check for signs of life?

Answer: Head tilt-chin lift the look-listen-feel 10 seconds


Question: How can you reduce the risk of disease transmission?

Answer: Use standard precautions and personal hygiene


Question: How do you check a child for non-life threatening conditions?

Answer: Observe the child before touching them, start with the toes then move upwards towards the head


Question: How do you check for breathing in a face-up unconscious victim?

Answer: Look-Listen-Fell


Question: When do you call 911?

Answer: Unconscious, breathing problems, chest pains, persistent abdominal pain, severe external bleeding, vomiting blood, severe burns, poisoning, seizures, stroke, injury to the head-neck-or spine, presence of poisonous gas, motor vehicle collision, person cannot be moved easily


Question: How can bystanders help in an emergency situation after you have check the scene for safety.

Answer: Call 911, direct traffic, help give first aid, get a first aid kit, get an AED, tell you what happened, tell you past history


Question: When and why do you use the head-tilt/chin lift?

Answer: To open the air passage way for rescue breaths and to check for breathing


Question: How do you care for a child who requires rescue breathing if you are the only person at the scene of the accident?

Answer: Care first for 2 minutes then call


Question: When should you move a victim from the scene of accident and why would you decide not to move the victim?

Answer: Do not move the person if the trip may aggravate the injury or illness or cause worsening of the condition, the person has or may develop life-threatening condition, if you are unsure the nature of the injury or illness. Move the victim if is faced with immediate danger, when you have to reach another person with more serious needs, when necessary to give proper care.


Question: Why would someone choose not to help in an emergency situation?

Answer: Panic ore fear of doing something wrong, being unsure of persons condition and what to do, assuming someone will take action, the type of injury or illness, fear of disease, fear of being sued, being unsure of when to call 911


Question: Know the 4 life-threatening emergencies

Answer: unconscious, severe bleeding or cardiac emergency, head/neck/ spine, respiratory


Question: Adult CPR: Know the number of rescue breath you initially give to an adult whit no signs of life.

Answer: None start with compressions


Question: Adult CPR: What do you do when a person vomits during rescue breaths?

Answer: Carefully turn the victim on their side and bend the top leg and move it forward (Haines recovery position)


Question: Adult CPR: How can you tell if the rescue breaths were effective?

Answer: If the chest rises or falls then they went in if not re-tilt and try again, if they still don’t go in then there is possible an airway obstruction and now perform modified CPR


Question: Adult CPR: What is the hand position for adult CPR?

Answer: Place the heal of one hand on the person’s sternum at the center of their chest, place the other hand directly on top of the first hand interlace fingers and pull up to keep fingers off the chest


Question: Adult CPR: Know the number of compressions to breaths

Answer: 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths


Question: Adult CPR: Know the rate of compression per minute

Answer: 100 compressions a minute


Question: Adult CPR: How often do you check for signs of life during CPR?

Answer: CPR should not be interrupted


Question: Adult CPR: How long time should rescue breaths last?

Answer: 1 second


Question: Adult CPR: Why is CPR an important link in the Cardiac Chain of Survival

Answer: Early CPR helps circulate blood that contains oxygen to the vital organs until an AED is ready to use or EMS arrives


Question: Adult CPR: When can you discontinue CPR?

Answer: Obvious sign of life, an AED becomes available, EMS arrives, to exhausted to continue, the scene becomes unsafe


Question: Child CPR: Know number of compressions to breath, and rate of compression in child CPR, and how to perform CPR

Answer: CPR press down about 2 inches, start with 2 rescue breaths and then continue with 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths at a rate of 100 compressions per minute


Question: Child CPR: Why do you have to breathe less air into a child than into an adult

Answer: Lungs arn’t as big


Question: Child CPR: How do you care for a conscious choking child

Answer: 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts


Question: Child CPR: When children suffer from cardiac emergencies it is often a result of ….?

Answer: A breathing emergency


Question: Child CPR: When can you discontinue CPR?

Answer: Obvious sign of life, an AED becomes available, EMS arrives, to exhausted to continue, the scene becomes unsafe


Question: Infant CPR: Know number of compressions to breath, and rate of compression in infant CPR, and how to perform CPR

Answer: press down 1.5 inches, start with 2 rescue breaths and then continue with 30 chest compressions (using 2 or 3 fingers) to 2 rescue breaths at a rate of 100 compressions per minute


Question: Infant CPR: What is a signal of respiratory distress in an infant?

Answer: Agitation, fast or slow breathing, Drowsiness, noisy breathing, nasal flaring, chest appears to sink in with each breath, pale/ashen/flushed/bluish skin, trouble breathing, altered level of consciousness, increased heart rate


Question: Infant CPR: When can you tell if an infant will need CPR?

Answer: If the infant is not breathing


Question: Infant CPR: When can you discontinue CPR?

Answer: Obvious sign of life, an AED becomes available, EMS arrives, to exhausted to continue, the scene becomes unsafe


Question: Infant CPR: What could be wrong with a child that cannot cough, speak or breathe?

Answer: choking


Question: AED Adult: Where should you place the pads?

Answer: place one pad on the person’s right upper chest and the other pad on the left side of the chest


Question: AED Adult:What should you do if prompted: “No shocked advised”?

Answer: perform about 2 minutes of CPR then continue to follow what the AED says


Question: AED Adult:How long should check and adult for signs of life?

Answer: Look-listen-feel for 10 seconds


Question: AED Adult: Why should you stand clear of the machine when it is delivering shock

Answer: You will be shocked


Question: AED Adult: What does defibrillation do?

Answer: Can correct unnatural rhythms of the heart


Question: AED Adult:Know the steps and order of using the AED

Answer: turn on, expose persons chest and wipe clean with towel or gauze pads, apply pads to bare dry chest, plug to connector if necessary, let AED analyze heart rhythm, shock if advised.


Question: AED Adult:Why is defibrillation an important step in the Cardiac Chain of Survival?

Answer: an electrical shock may help restore an efficient heart rhythm


Question: AED Adult: What precautions should you take when operating the AED?

Answer: ? Do not use alcohol to wipe the person chest, don’t use incorrect pad size (unless no other size is available), do not touch the person while the AED is analyzing, before shocking the person make sure no one is touching the person, Do not touch the person while the AED is defibrillating you could be shocked, don’t defibrillate someone when around flammables, do not use in a moving vehicle, don’t use on person who is in contact with water, don’t use on person wearing a nitroglycerin patch (remove first), don’t use a mobile phone or radio within 6 feet.


Question: AED Child: Why should you stand clear of the machine when it is delivering shock?

Answer: So you don’t get shocked


Question: AED Child: Know the safety procedures of using an AED.

Answer: (Child is same as Adult) Do not use alcohol to wipe the person chest, don’t use incorrect pad size (unless no other size is available), do not touch the person while the AED is analyzing, before shocking the person make sure no one is touching the person, Do not touch the person while the AED is defibrillating you could be shocked, don’t defibrillate someone when around flammables, do not use in a moving vehicle, don’t use on person who is in contact with water, don’t use on person wearing a nitroglycerin patch (remove first), don’t use a mobile phone or radio within 6 feet.


Question: AED Child:What should you do if you are alone and witness a child who suddenly collapse in a cardiac arrest?

Answer: Call 911 then start CPR


Question: AED Infant: Where should the pediatric pads be placed? What of there are to close together?

Answer: Place one on the right side and one on the left side but if they are touching put one in the center of the chest and one on the back between the shoulder blades


Question: AED Infant: Is it effective to use an AED on a child younger than 1 year?

Answer: Yes


Question: Know the steps and order of using the AED on a child.

Answer: Turn on the AED, expose the childs’ chest and whip dry, apply pediatric pads to chest, plug into AED, let AED analyze if shock is needed, if shock is advised then give shock if not or after give 2 minutes of CPR
