071 Com 0801

Question: Conditions:

Answer: You are a member of a squad or team providing security for your unit in a field environment. You have your assigned weapon, individual protective equipment, and the current challenge and password. An unknown person or persons is approaching your area.


Question: Standards:

Answer: Detect and challenge all approaching personnel; prevent compromise of password; allow personnel positively identified as friendly to pass; and disarm, detain and report personnel not positively identified.


Question: Performance Steps

Answer: 1. Detect all personnel entering your area.

2. Challenge an individual that enters your area

3. Challenge a group that enters your area


Question: Detect all personnel entering your area

Answer: Commands and questions must be loud enough to be heard by the individual but not loud enough that others outside of the immediate area can hear. Commands should be repeated as necessary.

The individual should reply with an answer that best describes them, example “Sergeant Jones”.


Question: Challenge an individual that enters your area

Answer: a. Cover the individual with your weapon without disclosing your position.

b. Command the individual to “HALT” before they are close enough to pose a threat.

c. Ask “WHO IS THERE?” just loud enough for the individual to hear.

d. Order the individual to “ADVANCE TO BE RECOGNIZED”.

e. Continue to keep individual covered without exposing yourself.

f. Order the individual to “HALT” when they are is within 2 to 3 meters from your position

g. Issue the challenge in a low voice.

h. Determine if the individual is friendly based upon their return of the correct password and your own situational awareness.


Question: Challenge a group that enters your area.

Answer: a. Cover the group with your weapon without disclosing your position.

b. Order the group to halt before they are close enough to pose a threat to you.

c. Command “WHO IS THERE?” just loud enough to be heard by the group.

d. Wait for reply from group

e. Order the leader of the group to “ADVANCE TO BE RECOGNIZED”.

f. Continue to keep group leader covered without exposing yourself.

g. Order the group leader to “HALT” when the individual is within 2 to 3 meters from your position.

h. Issue the challenge to only the group leader.

  1. Determine if the group leader is friendly based upon their return of the correct password and your own situational awareness.

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  3. Question: Determine if the group leader is friendly based upon their return of the correct password and your own situational awareness.

  4. Answer: (1) Direct the group leader to remain with you to assist in identifying group members, if you determine he/she is friendly.

  5. (2) Detain the group leader, if not positively identified as friendly.

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  7. Question: Direct the group leader to remain with you to assist in identifying group members, if you determine he/she is friendly.

  8. Answer: (a) Direct the group leader to vouch for or positively identify each member of his group as they pass to your flank.

  9. (b) Detain any individual in the group not recognized by the group leader by disarming them, and having them wait until your chain of command provides additional instructions.

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  11. Question: Detain the group leader, if not positively identified as friendly.

  12. Answer: (a) Direct the individual to disarm.

  13. (b) Direct him/her to inform their group to wait.

  14. (c) Notify your chain of command.

  15. (d) Await instruction from your chain of command.

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  17. Question: Detain an individual if they return an incorrect password or cannot be positively identified as friendly.

  18. Answer: (a) Direct the individual to disarm.

  19. (b) Notify your chain of command.

  20. (c) Await instruction from your command.

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