7 1 Practice Dilations

Question: The dilation is an enlargement
The dilation has a scale factor of 3
Answer: The dashed figure is a dilation of the solid figure. Which of the following statements is true?
Question: (3/4, -9/4)
Answer: D¾(∆PQR). Which of the following are the coordinates of R¹?
Question: (-50, 10)
Answer: D10 (∆PQR). Which of the following are the coordinates of P¹?
Question: 6/5 cm
Answer: The image of a button is 5 times the button's actual size and has a diameter of 6 cm. Which is the actual dimension of the button?
Question: 2/5
Answer: Your picture of your family crest is 4.5 inches wide. You need a reduced copy for the front page of the family newsletter. The copy must fit in a space 1.8 inches wide. Which scale factor should you use on the copy machine to adjust the size of your picture of the crest?
Question: 1/3
Answer: A segment has endpoints M(6,15) and N(-3,9). The image of the segment, for a dilation with center (0, 0), has endpoints M¹(2,5) and N¹(-1,3). Which is the scale factor of the dilation?
Question: 30
Answer: The center of a dilation is (0, 0) and the scale factor is 7. If A (3, 4), then which is the distance between A and A¹?
Question: 0
Answer: A segment has endpoints M(5,-2) and N(-1,-2). After a dilation with center (0, 0), M¹(10, -4) and N¹(-2, -4). If the scale factor is 3x+2, then which of the following is the value of x?
Question: X¹(-9, 3) and Y¹(-1.5, -4.5)
Answer: A segment has endpoints X (-6, 2) and Y (-1, -3). Which are the coordinates of the image for a dilation with scale factor 1.5 and center at the origin?
Question: For a dilation, corresponding angles of the image and pre-image are congruent.
A dilation with a scale factor of 4 is an enlargement.
Answer: Which of the following statements are true?