7.2 8Th

Question: When did the Constitutional Convention meet? What was the purpose of the convention?
Answer: 1787; to revise the Articles
Question: What great statesman and scientist helped calm delegates during the heated debates of 1787?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Question: Name and explain three compromises made at the Constitutional Convention.
Answer: The Great Compromise gave equal representation for the bigger and smaller states which in ture saved the convention. The Three-fifths Compromise allowed only three-fifths of the slaves in the south to be taxed and counted when determining the representation of the House of Representation. The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise granted Congress powers to regulate commerce with certain limitations.
Question: Why did the Federalists support the new Constitution? Why did the Anti-Federalists not support the new Constitution?
Answer: The Federalists supported the new Constitution because they believed they wanted a government in which the power is divided between the states and the national government. The Anti-Federalists did not support the new Constitution because they warned that it did not guarantee basic liberties, such as freedom of religion.
Question: What was the name of the first ten amendments that listed the people's individual rights and freedoms? When was it adopted?
Answer: Bill of Rights adopted in 1791
Question: What did the men who wrote the Constitution think about prayer and the Bible?
Answer: They had great respect for the Bible and prayer.
Question: Because of his belief in man's sinful nature, how did James Madison help restrain the powers of government?
Answer: He promoted a careful balance of power that would prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
Question: Under the Constitution, who kept most of the power? Why was the central government established?
Answer: The individual states and local governments controlled most of the power; a central government would maintain law and order, assure free trade and sound money, and protect the nation in time of war.
Question: Name the three branches of the national government. How would they check and balance each other?
Answer: The legislative, executive, and judicial are the three branches of the national government. They check and balance each other by elected the people going into each branch.