A Mentor Can Be Described As

Question: What are the benefits of mentoring for the mentor? (6 things)
Answer: - Career advancement
- Information gathering
- Personal satisfaction
- Sharpening management/leadership/interpersonal skills
- Source of recognition
- Expanded professional contacts
Question: What are the benefits of mentoring for the mentee?
Answer: - Mentoring builds confidence and encourages individual to grow past expectation
- Mentees are provided a role model and a sounding board
- Mentees have an opportunity to try more advanced tasks and demonstrate expanded capabilities
- Mentees have also reported greater career satisfaction, and their performance ratings tend to be higher
Question: What does a mentor do?
Answer: - A mentor is a person who oversees the personal, professional, and career development of another person.
- A mentor helps to clarify the individuals personal, professional, and career goals.
- A mentor helps develop actions to improve attributes, skills, and competencies

Answer: - Coaches a mentee on enhancing their professional and personal skills, attributes, and competencies
- Provides candid feedback about strengths and weaknesses/developmental needs
- Points out opportunities for the mentee to develop/ demonstrate capabilities
- Advises mentee on how to deal with road blocks
- Serves as a sounding board
- Encourages/motivates mentee
- Builds mentees self awareness, confidence, and adaptability
Question: How does someone find/ get a mentor?
Answer: - Mentors and mentees should self select each other.
- Mentee should spend a lot of time thinking about mentoring needs and investigating possible mentors.
- Ask about who would be a good fit for a mentor- good sources are supervisors, peers and people who know the mentor in question.
Question: What is the time commitment of mentoring someone?
Answer: Depends on needs, expectations, and desires of both parties. The biggest time commitment is at the very beginning when the mentor/mentee are getting to know each other.
Question: What should a mentee consider when looking for a mentor?
Answer: Personality types, communication style as well as methods of communication, background, values, ethos, and experience.
Question: What do mentees want most from a mentor?
Answer: - Encouragement
- Support
- Honesty
- Candid advice
- "Big picture" view
- Guidance
- Suggestions
- Appraisal of capabilities
- Help with vision
- Assistance in making good choices
Question: What are the benefits of the mentors experiences?
Answer: - Knowing what did and did not work
- Providing advice on requesting future assignments
- Availability without interruptions
- Non-attribution, honest discussions about tough issues
- Idea stimulation, insight to career
Question: What are characteristics of ideal mentors?
Answer: - Supportive
- Patient
- Respected
- People oriented
- Good motivator
- Respectful of others
- Effective teacher
- Self-confident
- Achiever

Answer: - Prepare
- Develop
- Be flexible
- Take initiative
- Focus on the goal
Question: What are the five essentials for a successful mentoring relationship?
Answer: - Respect
- Trust
- Partnership building
- Realistic expectations and self perception
- Time
Question: What are some signs of a successful mentoring relationship?
Answer: - Mentee is open to change and growth
- Both parties are learning/growing from relationship
- There is a commitment to learning and growing, working through problems
- Mentee feels a bond or connection with mentor
- Mentee feels comfortable going to mentor when counseling is desired
- Mentee takes responsibility for meeting their own needs in the relationship
- Mentor shows mentee new aspects of their potential
- Mentor establishes comfortable environment for learning
Question: What are the four main stages of mentoring?
Answer: - Prescriptive
- Persuasive
- Collaborative
- Confirmative
Question: What is the prescriptive stage?
Answer: Mentee has very little experience and is depending on mentor for guidance, affirmation, direction
Question: What is the persuasive stage?
Answer: Requires mentor to persuade mentee to seek challenges and find answers, rather than getting them from the mentor
Question: What is the collaborative stage?
Answer: Mentee has enough experience to collaborate with mentor to work through problems and participate in more equal communication
Question: What is the confirmative stage?
Answer: Mentee has lots of experience and has mastered job requirements, but needs mentors advice on policies and people
Question: What are the aspects of meeting for mentorship?
Answer: - Location
- Appropriate space
- Lack of distractions
Question: What are the aspects of mannerisms for mentorship?
Answer: - Eye contact
- Gestures
- Open body postures

Answer: one way listening

Answer: two way listening
Question: What are two ways of verbal feedback?
Answer: questioning and paraphrasing response
Question: What are five ways you can strengthen your listening skills?
Answer: - Holding back judgments
- Listening for main points
- Resisting distractions
- Use excess thinking time appropriately
- Listening for whole meaning
Question: What are the two types of feedback?
Answer: positive and constructive
Question: What are the four characteristics of good feedback?
Answer: - Frequent
- Economical
- Specific
- Direct
Question: What are the steps to career advising a mentee?
Answer: 1. determine mentees interests
2. identify attributes, skills and competencies within these appropriate high enjoyment areas
3. help mentee develop or isolate appropriate career goals
4. target areas that require development
5. create a written individual developmental action plan
6. determine success indicators
7. evaluate progress