Environmental Emergency Steps

Question: How can one determine if an insect bite is potentially serious?

Answer: Although many bites are minor, some may break the skin. When a bite breaks the skin, the wound can bleed and may become infected from the germs in the biter's mouth. Bites that do not break the skin are usually not dangerous.


Question: Which steps should be followed to give first aid to a victim with an animal or human bite.

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) For animal bites, phone or send someone to phone your emergency response number.
3.) Clean the wound with a lot of running water (and soap, if available).
4.) Stop any bleeding with pressure and dressings.
5.) For all bites that break the skin, call a healthcare provider.
6.) If there is a bruise or swelling, place a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel on the bite for up to 20 minutes.


Question: What are examples of animals that may carry rabies?

Answer: Cats, dogs, skunks, raccoons, foxes, bats, or other wild animals.


Question: What are signs of poisonous snakebites?

Answer: ~ Pain in the bite area that keeps getting worse.
~ Swelling of the bite area.
~ Nausea, vomiting, sweating, and weakness.
If you do not know if a snake is poisonous, assume that it is.


Question: What are the steps to caring for someone with a snake bite?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Ask another adult to move any other people inside or away from the area and phone your emergency response number.
3.) Ask the bitten person to be still and calm. Tell him to avoid moving the part of the body that has been bitten.
4.) Remove any tight clothing and jewelry.
5.) Gently wash the bite area with running water (and soap if available).


Question: What are signs of a insect and spider bite?

Answer: ~ Mild pain
~ Swelling
~ Itchiness


Question: When can insect and spider bites be serious?

Answer: ~ If the person has a severe allergic reaction to the bite or sting.
~ Poison (venom) is injected into the person (for example, from a black widow spider or a brown recluse spider).


Question: What are the steps to caring for a victim of an insect or spider bite?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Phone or send someone to phone your emergency response number and get the first aid kit if
~ The person has signs of an allergic reaction
~ The person tells you that she has a severe allergic reaction to insect bites or stings. Get the person's epinephrine pen if she has one.
3.) If a bee stung the person
~ Look for a stinger. Bees are the only insects that may leave their stinger behind.
~ Scrape away the stinger and venom sac by using something with a dull edge, such as a credit card.
4.) Wash the bite or sting area with a lot of running water (and soap, if available).
5.) Put a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel or cloth over the sting or bite area for up to 20 minutes.
6.) Watch the person for at least 30 minutes for signs of an allergic reaction.


Question: Why might it be dangerous to remove the stinger with something that could squeeze it?

Answer: Make sure you remove the stinger with something flat and dull that won't squeeze the stinger. Squeezing the venom sac can release more venom (poison).


Question: What are signs of potentially poisonous spider and scorpion bite and stings?

Answer: ~ Severe pain at the site of the bite or sting
~ Muscle cramps
~ Headaches
~ Fever
~ Vomiting
~ Breathing issues
~ Seizures
~ Lack of responsiveness


Question: What are the steps for caring for an individual who has a poisonous spider or scorpion bite or sting?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Phone your emergency response number.
3.) Wash the bite with a lot of running water (and soap, if possible).
4.) Put a bag of ice and water wrapped in a towel or cloth on the bite or sting.
5.) See if the person needs CPR. If he does, give CPR.


Question: Where are ticks found?

Answer: Ticks are found on animals and wooden areas.


Question: What are the steps for caring for a tick bite?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Grab the tick by the mouth or the head as close to the skin as possible with tweezers or a tick-removing device.
3.) lift the tich straight out without twisting or squeezing the body. If the lift the tick until the person's skin tents and wait for several seconds, the tick might let go.
4.) Wash the bite with running water (and soap, if available).
5.) See a healthcare provider if you are in an area where tick-borne diseases occur. If possible, place the tick in a plastic bag and give it to the healthcare provider.


Question: What are heat cramps?

Answer: Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms, most often in the calves, arms, stomach muscles, and back.


Question: What causes most heat-related emergencies?

Answer: Vigorous exercise.


Question: What are signs of heat cramps?

Answer: ~ Muscle cramps
~ Sweating
~ Headaches


Question: What are the steps for caring for a heat cramp?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Have the person with heat cramps rest and cool off.
3.) Have the person drink something that contains sugar and electrolytes, such as juice or a sports drink, or water if the others are not available.


Question: What is heat exhaustion?

Answer: Heat exhaustion is a serious condition that often turns into heat stroke. It often occurs if a person exercises in the heat and sweats a lot.


Question: What are signs of heat exhaustion?

Answer: ~ Sweating
~ Nausea
~ Dizziness
~ Vomiting
~ Muscle Cramps
~ Feeling Faint
~ Fatigue


Question: What are the steps for caring for someone with heat exhaustion?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number.
3.) Have the person lie down in a cool place.
4.) Remove as much of the person's clothing as possible.
5.) Cool the person off with a cool water spray.
6.) If cool water spray is not available, place cool damp cloths on the neck, armpit, and groin area.
7.) Have the person drink something that contains sugar and electrolytes, such as juice or a sports drink, or water if the others are not available.


Question: What are the key signs of heat stroke?

Answer: ~ Confusion
~ Passing out
~ Dizziness
~ Seizures
~ Nausea/Vomiting
~ Feeling Faint
~ Fatigue


Question: What are the steps to caring for someone with a heat stroke?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number.
3.) Put the person in cool water, up to her neck if possible.
4.) See if the person needs CPR. If she does, give her CPR.


Question: What is frostbite? Where does it typically affect?

Answer: A cold injury to part of the body is called frostbite. Frostbite affects parts of the body that are exposed to the cold, such as the fingers, toes, nose, and ears.


Question: What are signs of frostbite?

Answer: ~ The skin over the frostbitten area is white, waxy, or grayish-yellow.
~ The frostbitten area is cold and numb.
~ The frostbitten area is hard, and the skin does not move when you push on it.


Question: What are the steps to providing CPR to a frostbitten victim?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number.
3.) Remove tight clothing and jewelry from frostbitten area.
4.) Remove wet clothing and pat the body dry. Put dry clothes on the person and cover the person with a blanket.
5.) Do not try to thaw the frozen part if you think there might be a chance of refreezing.


Question: What is hypothermia?

Answer: Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature falls. Hypothermia is a serious condition that can cause death.


Question: What are signs of hypothermia?

Answer: ~ The skin is cool to the touch
~ Shivering (shivering stops when the body temperature is very low)
~ The person may become confused or drowsy
~ Personality may change or person may behave as if concerned about condition
~ Muscles become stiff and rigid and the skin becomes ice cold and blue.

As the body temperature continues to drop...
~ The person stops responding
~ The person's breathing is slow
~ It may be hard to tell whether the person is breathing
~ The person may appear to be dead


Question: What are the steps to giving first aid to someone who has hypothermia?

Answer: 1.) Get the person out of the cold.
2.) Remove wet clothing and pat the body dry. Put dry clothes on the person and cover the person with a blanket.
3.) Phone or ask someone to phone your emergency response number and get the first aid kit and AED if available.
4.) Wrap the person up in anything you have- clothing, towels, newspapers, etc. Cover the head but not the face.
5.) See if the person needs CPR. If the do, give it.


Question: What is a poison?

Answer: A poison is anything someone swallows, breathes, or gets in the eyes or on the skin that causes sickness or death.


Question: When there is a possible poisoning, what are the steps to checking scene safety?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe before you approach.
2.) If the scene seems unsafe, do not approach. Tell everyone to move away.
3.) Look for the signs that warn you that poisons are nearby.
4.) Look for spilled or leaking containers.
5.) Stay out of area with the poison if you see more than a single victim.
6.) If you approach the scene, wear PPE.


Question: What are the steps to caring for an individual who has been exposed to a poison?

Answer: 1.) Make sure the scene is safe. Get the first aid kit. Wear PPE.
2.) Help the person take off any contaminated clothing or jewelry.
3.) Quickly help the person to a safety shower or eyewash station if he responds and can move.
4.) Brush off any dry powders or substances from the skin with your gloved hand.
5.) Rinse the contaminated areas with a lot of water for at least 20 minutes or until someone with more training arrives and takes over


Question: When giving breaths to a poisoned person, what PPE should be worn?

Answer: A mask


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