Bio Final (question)

Like all plants, angiosperms have an alternation of generations. What structure is a gametophyte in the angiosperm life cycle? pollen grain

gravitism may involve what? the shifting of starch-rich plastids

two types of fruits of seed dispersal fleshy and spiny

Where does fertilization occur in angiosperms? in ovules

In what plant structures would you find gametes? Select all that apply. flower petals, pollen, ovaries

What plant structures contain or surround plant embryos? Select all that apply. fruits, seeds, polar nuclei, pollen, eggs

Suppose it were possible for a plant to survive with an auxin deficiency. Such a plant would lean toward the light more slowly than a normal plant.

True or False? A plant on a windowsill is growing toward the light. If the owner turns the plant around (a 180 degree turn), auxins will migrate to the other side of the stem. true

What is the relationship among births, deaths, and carrying capacity in equilibrium species? Equilibrium species have a low birth rate and a low death rate and tend to stay near the carrying capacity.

"If you added ""predation"" to the concept map, what connections could you make to it? (Select all that apply.)" 1. Deaths might be caused by predation.2. Predation might cause logistic growth to become exponential.

In a certain forest community, fallen trees and dead animals take longer than normal to release their nutrients back into the ecosystem. This community probably has a low population of decomposers

"How might you add ""Keystone species"" to the concept map?" Keystone species influence the diversity of communities.

true regarding the relationship between the abiotic environment and trophic levels. 1, Organisms at the lowest trophic level of a community obtain nutrients directly from the abiotic environment.2. Some of the energy that producers obtain from the abiotic environment is lost at each trophic level.

Herbivory has the same effect on the two species involved as does parasitism

What process in the carbon cycle has increased carbon dioxide in the atmospheric reservoir and in the ocean, causing damage to ecosystems? burning fossil fuels

Select all the processes that either add or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reservoir. DecompositionSedimentationPhotosynthesisRespirationDissolutionCombustion

How do gases like CO2 contribute to Earth's warming temperatures? The increasing concentration of CO2 and several other greenhouse gases is trapping more heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

The steps of photosynthesis in which light energy is converted into chemical energy light reactions

Group of pigments and proteins that uses light energy to energize electrons stripped from water photosystem 2

Group of pigments and proteins that uses light energy to energize electrons received from photosystem II photosystem 1

Series of membrane proteins that shuttle electrons Electron transport chain

Enzyme that uses the potential energy in a proton gradient to produce ATP atp synthase

where does the calvin cycle occur the stroma

other name for calvin cycle C3 pathway

how many plant species are c3 95%

what is the first stable compound in the pathway C3 PGA

what is the efficiency rate of C3 .1%-3%

How do plants waste so much solar energy? photorespiration

series of reactions that begin when the rubisco enzyme adds O2 instead of CO2 to RuBP. photorespiration

what happens if plants close their stomata? CO2 runs low, and O2 builds up in the leaves

What do C4 and CAM do improve efficiency is to ensure that rubisco always encounters high CO2 concentrations.

In C4 where do light reactions occur? messophyll

surround the leaf veins bundle-sheath cells

in C4 what does the inner ring of bundle-sheath cells house Calvin Cycle

In C3 where do the light reactions and the calvin cycle take place? mesophyll

what percentage of plants uses the C4 1%

What type of plants use the C4 flowering plants grown in hot weather (sugarcane, corn)

They open their stomata only at night, fix CO2, then fix it again in the Calvin cycle during the day. Unlike in C4plants, both fixation reactions occur in the same cell. CAM pathway

What percentage of plants use CAM pathway? 3-4% (pinapple, cacti)

limitation of C3 photorespiration

limitation of C4 ATP cost

limitation of Calvin Cycle reduced carbon availability (bc night time)

an enzyme involved in the first major step of carbon fixation, a process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted by plants and other photosynthetic organisms to energy-rich molecules such as glucose. RUBISCO

Where does photosynthesis take place? chloroplast

what 2 stages does photosynthesis occur in? 1. light2. carbon

nucleotide that stores potential energy in the covalent bonds between its phosphate groups ATP

molecule that carries pairs of energized electrons in photosynthesis NADPH

What type of process is photosynthesis oxidation-reduction (redox) process

group of proteins that shuttle electrons from carrier to carrier, releasing energy with each step electron transport chain

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