Chapter 5 - SLS

"The power process ""I create it all"" is" A reminder that you can choose your response to an event even when the event it's self is beyond your control

According to the text, tools for notetaking are worthless unless you But dissipate as a energetic observer in class and review your notes after class

"To ""be here now"" when taking notes in class remember to" Accept you're wandering mind and refocus your attention

"The suggested strategies for taking notes include both ""postpone debate"" and ""think critically about what you hear""" True

The note taking method that's based on using the cue column is called the ________ method Cornell

To take effective notes, avoid combining mind mapping with any other note taking method False

The suggested strategies for mind mapping include Give yourself plenty of room, use keywords only, put the main concept and the center, and create links

Using Roman numerals is the only one way to create different levels of headings in an outline True

The notes that you take when preparing to write a paper are called Research Notes

The suggested strategies for taking notes during a meeting include recording the Names of people who attended, agenda, agreements reached during the meeting, and actions that people committed to take after the meeting

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