20 Facts About Ray Bradbury

Question: His first job

Answer: At age 14 he worked as a writer for George Burns and Gracie Allen’s radio show.

Question: His first date

Answer: At age of 22 he finally had the courage to ask out a girl for his first time.

Question: Bradbury’s fear of cars

Answer: Bradbury never got a drivers licence because he had a fear of cars which at age 16 he witness car accident.

Question: Bradbury’s hatred of technology

Answer: He hated computers ever since Bill Gate first made the microsoft software

Question: Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451

Answer: He wrote Fahrenheit 451 in 9 days in a library basement

Question: Birth

Answer: He was born in Waukegan Illinois on August 22 1920

Question: His award

Answer: By 2000 Bradbury was awarded the National book foundation medal

Question: Marriage

Answer: He was married on 1947 with his fiance Maggie but died in 2002

Question: high school

Answer: In high school he joined the poetry and drama clubs thinking he will become an actor but failed later on.

Question: His childhood

Answer: Bradbury was inspired to become a magician by a magician named Mr. Electro but was ruined.

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