Nutrient Absorption Is Mediated By The

Question: 1. Microorganisms require large quantities of this nutrient for use in cell structure and metabolism: A. elementB. macronutrient C. waterD. growth factor E. trace element

Answer: B. macronutrient

Question: 2. Microorganisms require small quantities of this nutrient for enzyme function and maintenance of protein structure: A. elementB. macronutrientC. waterD. growth factors E. trace element

Answer: E. trace element

Question: 3. What compound has the highest concentration in a cell? A. CO2B. CH4C. H2O D. glucose E. NH3

Answer: C. H2O

Question: 4. Most of the dry weight of a microbial cell is from A. inorganic compounds.B. minerals.C. water.D. organic compounds. E. salts.

Answer: D. organic compounds.

Question: 5. Which of the following is not a major element of a microbial cell? A. copperB. carbon C. hydrogen D. nitrogen E. oxygen

Answer: A. copper

Question: 6. An important mineral ion of the cytochrome pigments of cellular respiration is A. iron.B. zinc.C. calcium.D. magnesium. E. potassium.

Answer: A. iron.

Question: 7. An important mineral ion that is a component of chloroplasts and stabilizer of membranes andribosomes is A. iron.B. zinc.C. calcium.D. magnesium. E. potassium.

Answer: D. magnesium.

Question: 8. The term autotroph refers to an organism that A. uses CO2 for its carbon source.B. must obtain organic compounds for its carbon needs. C. gets energy from sunlight.D. gets energy by oxidizing chemical compounds.E. does not need a carbon source.

Answer: A. uses CO2 for its carbon source.

Question: 9. The term photoheterotroph refers to an organism that A. uses CO2 for its carbon source.B. utilizes inorganic compounds for its carbon needs.C. gets energy from sunlight.D. gets energy by metabolizing organic matter of dead organisms. E. does not need a carbon source.

Answer: C. gets energy from sunlight.

Question: 10. Calcium is required for bacteria because it A. stabilizes the cell wall.B. stabilizes the ribosomes. C. stabilizes the nucleoid. D. maintains cellular pH. E. makes strong bones.

Answer: A. stabilizes the cell wall.

Question: 11. An organism that uses CO2 for its carbon needs would be called a/an A. heterotroph.B. autotroph.C. chemoheterotroph. D. saprobe.E. halotroph.

Answer: B. autotroph.

Question: 12. The term photoautotroph refers to an organism that A. is a decomposer.B. must obtain organic compounds for its carbon needs. C. gets energy from sunlight.D. gets energy by oxidizing chemical compounds.E. does not need a carbon source.

Answer: C. gets energy from sunlight.

Question: 13. The term chemoheterotroph refers to an organism that A. uses CO2 for its carbon source.B. must obtain inorganic compounds for its energy source. C. gets energy from sunlight.D. gets energy by oxidizing chemical compounds. E. does not need a carbon source.

Answer: D. gets energy by oxidizing chemical compounds.

Question: 14. Organisms that feed on dead organisms for nutrients are called A. saprobes.B. parasites.C. autotrophs.D. lithoautotrophs. E. phototrophs.

Answer: A. saprobes.

Question: 15. Archea, as a group, are not pathogens. This is because A. they evolved without mammals.B. mammals evolved special defenses against them.C. mammalian hosts do not meet their environmental requirements. D. they are out competed by natural flora.E. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: C. mammalian hosts do not meet their environmental requirements.

Question: 16. Aerobic respiration is an example of A. photosynthesis.B. methanoheterophy. C. photoheterotrophy. D. chemoheterotrophy. E. photoautotrophy.

Answer: D. chemoheterotrophy.

Question: 17. Organisms called _____ live on or in the body of a host and cause some degree of harm. A. mesophiles B. thermophiles C. commensals D. parasitesE. halophiles

Answer: D. parasites

Question: 18. The term obligate refers to A. the ability to exist in a wide range of conditions. B. existing in a very narrow niche.C. using chemicals for energy production.D. using light for energy production.E. using oxygen for metabolism.

Answer: B. existing in a very narrow niche.

Question: 19. The term facultative refers to A. the ability to exist in a wide range of conditions. B. existing in a very narrow niche.C. using chemicals for energy production.D. using light for energy production.E. using oxygen for metabolism.

Answer: A. the ability to exist in a wide range of conditions.

Question: 20. The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is called A. facilitated diffusion. B. diffusion.C. active transport.D. osmosis.E. endocytosis.

Answer: B. diffusion.

Question: 21. Diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane is called A. facilitated diffusion.B. diffusion.C. active transport. D. osmosis.E. endocytosis.

Answer: D. osmosis.

Question: 22. The movement of substances from lower to higher concentration across a semi-permeable membrane that must have a specific protein carrier and cell expenditure of energy is called A. facilitated diffusion.B. diffusion.C. active transport.D. osmosis.E. endocytosis.

Answer: C. active transport.

Question: 23. The movement of substances from higher to lower concentration across a semi-permeable membrane that must have a specific protein carrier but no energy expenditure is called A. facilitated diffusion.B. diffusion.C. active transport. D. osmosis.E. endocytosis.

Answer: A. facilitated diffusion.

Question: 24. The use of energy by a cell to enclose a substance in its membrane by forming a vacuole andengulfing it is called A. facilitated diffusion. B. diffusion.C. active transport.D. osmosis.E. endocytosis.

Answer: E. endocytosis.

Question: 25. Bacteria living in a freshwater stream that are moved to salty seawater would A. be in a hypotonic solution. B. gain water.C. be in an isotonic solution. D. shrivel.E. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: D. shrivel.

Question: 26. Which of the following require the cell to use ATP? A. facilitated diffusionB. diffusionC. endocytosisD. osmosisE. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: C. endocytosis

Question: 27. Contractile vacuoles are A. used to expel excess water from cells.B. found in bacterial cells.C. important to certain organisms in hypertonic environments. D. protein carriers in cell membranes.E. used to bring solutes into a cell.

Answer: A. used to expel excess water from cells.

Question: 28. Nutrient absorption is mediated by the A. cell wall.B. peptidoglycan layer.C. proteins in the periplasmic space. D. cell membrane.E. nuclear membrane.

Answer: D. cell membrane.

Question: 29. Facilitated diffusion is limited by A. substrate concentration.B. carrier proteins in the membrane. C. size of the pores in the membrane. D. osmotic pressure.E. the size of the cell.

Answer: B. carrier proteins in the membrane.

Question: 30. When whole cells or large molecules in solution are engulfed by a cell, this endocytosis is specifically termed A. pinocytosis.B. phagocytosis.C. facilitated transport. D. facilitated diffusion. E. exocytosis.

Answer: B. phagocytosis.

Question: 31. Mediated transport of polar molecules and ions across the plasma membrane utilizes a _____ _____ that will bind to the substance effecting a conformational change that allows movement across the membrane. A. protein carrierB. lipid carrierC. porin carrierD. All of the choices are correct.

Answer: A. protein carrier

Question: 32. In _____ conditions, the cell wall will help prevent the cell from bursting. A. hypertonicB. hypotonicC. isotonicD. All of the choices are correct.

Answer: B. hypotonic

Question: 33. Cultures of a bacterial species were incubated on the shelf of a refrigerator, out on a lab bench top, on the shelf of a 37° C incubator, and on the shelf of a 50° C incubator. After incubation, there was no growth at 37° C and 50° C, slight growth out on the bench top, and abundant growth at refrigeration. What term could be used for this species? A. halophileB. mesophile C. anaerobeD. psychrophile E. capnophile

Answer: D. psychrophile

Question: 34. Cultures of a bacterial species were incubated out on the incubator shelf, in an anaerobic jar, and in acandle jar. After incubation there was moderate growth of cultures in the candle and anaerobic jars, but heavy growth of the culture on the incubator shelf. This species is a/an A. aerobe.B. anaerobe.C. facultative anaerobe. D. microaerophile.E. capnophile.

Answer: C. facultative anaerobe.

Question: 35. A microorganism that has an optimum growth temperature of 37° C, but can survive short exposure to high temperatures is called a/an A. extremophile.B. thermophile.C. psychrophile.D. facultative psychrophile. E. thermoduric.

Answer: E. thermoduric.

Question: 36. An organism that grows slowly in the cold but has an optimum growth temperature of 32° C is called a/an A. extremophile.B. thermophile.C. psychrophile.D. facultative psychrophile. E. thermoduric.

Answer: D. facultative psychrophile.

Question: 37. An organism with a temperature growth range of 45° C to 60° C would be called a/an A. extremophile.B. thermophile.C. psychrophile.D. facultative psychrophile. E. thermoduric.

Answer: B. thermophile.

Question: 38. Human pathogens fall into the group A. psychrophiles.B. thermophiles. C. halophiles. D. mesophiles. E. acidophiles.

Answer: D. mesophiles.

Question: 39. All of the following could find a location in or on body tissues suitable for growth except A. psychrophiles.B. anaerobes.C. facultative anaerobes. D. mesophilesE. capnophiles.

Answer: A. psychrophiles.

Question: 40. A microorganism that does not have catalase or super oxide dismutase would find it difficult to live in an environment with A. carbon dioxide.B. oxygen.C. high salt.D. temperatures above 37° C. E. high acidity.

Answer: B. oxygen.

Question: 41. A microaerophile A. grows best in an anaerobic jar.B. grows with or without oxygen.C. needs normal atmospheric levels of oxygen.D. requires a small amount of oxygen but won't grow at normal atmospheric levels. E. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: D. requires a small amount of oxygen but won't grow at normal atmospheric levels.

Question: 42. The toxic super oxide ion is converted to harmless oxygen by two enzymes, A. catalase and hydrogen peroxidases.B. super oxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxidases. C. super oxide dismutase and catalase.D. catalase and oxidase.E. super oxide dismutase and oxidase.

Answer: C. super oxide dismutase and catalase.

Question: 43. An organism that can use gaseous oxygen in metabolism and has the enzymes to process toxic oxygen products is a/an A. aerobe.B. obligate aerobe.C. facultative anaerobe. D. microaerophile.E. obligate anaerobe.

Answer: A. aerobe.

Question: 44. An organism that can exist in both oxygen and oxygenless environments is a/an A. aerobe.B. obligate aerobe.C. facultative anaerobe. D. microaerophile.E. obligate anaerobe.

Answer: C. facultative anaerobe.

Question: 45. An organism that cannot tolerate an oxygen environment is a/an A. aerobe.B. obligate aerobe.C. facultative anaerobe. D. microaerophile.E. obligate anaerobe.

Answer: E. obligate anaerobe.

Question: 46. An organism that cannot grow without oxygen is a/an A. aerobe.B. obligate aerobe.C. facultative anaerobe. D. microaerophile.E. obligate anaerobe.

Answer: B. obligate aerobe.

Question: 47. What type of media is used to demonstrate oxygen requirements of microbes? A. blood agarB. thioglycollateC. sulfite polymyxin sulfadiazine D. sodium chlorideE. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: B. thioglycollate

Question: 48. A halophile would grow best in A. acid pools.B. fresh water ponds. C. hot geyser springs. D. arid, desert soil. E. salt lakes.

Answer: E. salt lakes.

Question: 49. A barophile would grow best in A. acid pools.B. the deep oceans. C. hot geyser springs. D. arid, desert soil.E. salt lakes.

Answer: B. the deep oceans.

Question: 50. The E. coli that normally live in the human large intestines and produce vitamin K for the body to use would best be termed a _____ relationship. A. parasiticB. saprobicC. commensalD. mutualisticE. None of the choices is correct.

Answer: D. mutualistic

Question: 51. The production of antibodies is a form of antagonism called A. symbiosis.B. satellitism. C. antibiosis. D. mutualism. E. synergism.

Answer: C. antibiosis.

Question: 52. When microbes live independently but cooperate and share nutrients, it is called A. symbiosis. B. satellitism. C. antibiosis. D. mutualism. E. synergism.

Answer: E. synergism.

Question: 53. When microbes are in a close nutritional relationship, and one benefits but the other is not harmed, it is called A. symbiosis.B. satellitism.C. commensalism. D. mutualism.E. synergism.

Answer: C. commensalism.

Question: 54. The time interval from parent cell to two new daughter cells is called the A. binary fission. B. growth curve. C. generation time. D. death phase.E. culture time.

Answer: C. generation time.

Question: 55. The phase of the bacterial growth curve in which the rate of multiplication equals the rate of cell death is the A. lag phase.B. log phase.C. stationary phase. D. death phase.E. telophase.

Answer: C. stationary phase.

Question: 56. The phase of the bacterial growth curve in which newly inoculated cells are adjusting to their new environment, metabolizing but not growing, is the A. lag phase.B. log phase.C. stationary phase.D. death phase. E. prophase.

Answer: A. lag phase.

Question: 57. The phase of the bacterial growth curve that shows the maximum rate of cell division is the A. lag phase.B. log phase.C. stationary phase. D. death phase.E. prophase.

Answer: B. log phase.

Question: 58. In the viable plate count method, a measured sample of a culture is evenly spread across an agar surface and incubated. Each _____ represents one _____ from the sample. A. cell, cellB. cell, colonyC. colony, cellD. species, colony E. generation, cell

Answer: C. colony, cell

Question: 59. When it is important to count the number of cells, determine cell size, and differentiate between dead and live cells a ___ is used. A. Coulter counterB. flow cytometerC. SEMD. methylene dye indicator

Answer: B. flow cytometer

Question: 60. Phosphorus is one of the major elements needed in larger quantities by microorganisms.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 61. Most microorganisms on earth can only live and survive in habitats that are similar to human body conditions.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 62. Whether an organism is an autotroph or heterotroph depends on its source of nitrogen.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 63. Whether an organism is a phototroph or a chemotroph depends on its source of energy.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 64. Obligate saprobes can adapt to a living host.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 65. Saprobes do not need a carbon source for growth and metabolism.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 66. Lithoautotrophs use inorganic nutrients for carbon and energy sources.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 67. Facilitated diffusion and active transport require a carrier protein to mediate the movement across the plasma membrane.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 68. In a commensal relationship, the commensal benefits but the cohabitant is neither harmed nor benefited.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 69. Anaerobes can be cultured in a CO2 environment.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 70. The majority of microbes live and grow in habitats between pH 7 and 9.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 71. Bacteria have an average generation time of 24 hours.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 72. The time that it takes for a freshly inoculated agar culture to develop visible colonies is principally governed by that species generation time.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 73. Binary fission results in 4 daughter cells from 1 parent cell.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 74. After binary fission, daughter cells will differ genetically.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 75. A closed culture system is used to determine a population growth curve.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 76. The degree of turbidity in a culture correlates to the amount of cell growth.

Answer: TRUE

Question: 77. The direct cell count, using a cytometer, can calculate viable cell numbers from a sample.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 78. A Coulter counter can count viable cells as well as determine the size.

Answer: FALSE

Question: 79. Bacterial biofilms stimulate the immune system differently than planktonic bacteria.

Answer: TRUE

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