Which Did President Carter Fail To Do

Question: President Carter worked to ease tensions with China by

Answer: establishing full diplomatic relations.

Question: Which is a true statement about President Carter's attempts to free the hostages in Iran?

Answer: He sought help from the United Nations.

Question: Which best describes the overall effect of President Carter's actions in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

Answer: Carter's actions had no immediate effect on the Soviet Union.

Question: President Carter wanted to establish peace between

Answer: Israel and Egypt.

Question: President Carter tried to ease Cold War tensions when he took office in 1977 by

Answer: working with the leader of the Soviet Union.

Question: Afghan soldiers who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 were called

Answer: the Mujahideen.

Question: Which did President Carter fail to do?

Answer: free Americans taken hostage by Iran

Question: A foreign-policy goal that President Carter achieved was

Answer: promoting détente with Communist nations.

Question: A result of the Iranian hostage crisis was that

Answer: the hostages were freed in 1981 after President Reagan's inauguration.

Question: In response to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, the United States

Answer: boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics.

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