4 Goals Of Progressivism

Question: Four goals of progressivism

Answer: Reformers aim to restore economic opportunity and correct injustice by:

1) protecting social welfare

2) promoting moral improvement

3) creating economic reform and

4) fostering industrial efficiency

Question: Protecting Social Welfare

Answer: • Social Gospel, settlement houses inspire other reform groups

• Florence Kelley, political activist, advocate for women, children

- helps pass law prohibiting child labor, limiting women’s hours

Question: Promoting Moral Improvement

Answer: • Some feel poor should uplift selves by improving own behavior

• Prohibition—banning of alcoholic drinks

• Woman’s Christian Temperance Union spearheads prohibition crusade

Question: Creating Economic Reform

Answer: • 1893 panic prompts doubts about capitalism; many become socialists

• Muckrakers—journalists who expose corruption in politics, business

Question: Fostering Industrial Efficiency


Question: Movement to protect workers


Question: Movement to reform local government

Answer: fairer taxes; work relief for unemployed.Reform Mayors

Hazen Pingree of Detroit tackles taxes, transit fares, corruption

Socialist Tom Johnson of Cleveland fights corrupt utility companies

Question: State reform of big business

Answer: Reform Governors

• Governors push states to pass laws to regulate large businesses

• Robert M. La Follette is 3-term governor, then senator of Wisconsin

- attacks big business

Question: Movement for election reform


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