4 H Skillathon Questions

Question: Feet and legs

Answer: When selecting a meat animal on structural soundness, special emphasis should be placed on what body parts

Question: What is the minimum recommended resting area for a market beef animal?

Answer: 25 square feet

Question: Corn silage, pasture, and hay are examples of what type of feed?

Answer: Roughages

Question: When is the best time to start training a beef calf to lead?

Answer: At a young age

Question: Caustic stick, tube calf dehorner or heat dehorning iron

Answer: Name a piece of equipment used to dehorn a newborn calf

Question: What is the minimum area recommended for an outside exercise area for a market beef animal?

Answer: 400 square feet

Question: What type of halter is best for breaking a beef calf to lead?

Answer: Rope halter

Question: When is the best time to dehorn a calf?

Answer: From one day to three months of age

Question: At what age should a beef heifer be bred?

Answer: 15-18 months

Question: A feed box or bunk for a market beef animal should be how far from the ground or floor?

Answer: 18-24 inches

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