Easy Way To Remember The Amendments

Question: 1

Answer: Free Speech, press, religion, and assembly

Question: 2- Two bear arms

Answer: Right to bear arms

Question: 3- Three's a crowd

Answer: No quartering of troops in homes

Question: 4- Four doors on a car (think the police want to search your car)

Answer: No unreasonable searches/seizures

Question: 5 (I plead the 5th)

Answer: A person may not be tried twice for the same crime and does not have to testify against themself

Question: 6- Speedy Six

Answer: Right to speedy and public trial and right to lawyer and counsel

Question: 7- You're lucky (777) to get a trial

Answer: Right to trial by jury in civil cases

Question: 8- Sideways handcuffs

Answer: No excessive bail, fines, cruel/unusual punishment

Question: 9- Makes more rights mine

Answer: Rights not enumerated retained by people

Question: 10- Federal laws are what are writTEN

Answer: Powers not delegated to Congress or prohibited to states belong to states or people

Question: 11- 1 on 1

Answer: No federal cases between state, citizen of other state

Question: 12- 1 ballot, 2nd ballot

Answer: The electoral college will vote seperately for president and VP rather than together in one ballot

Question: 13- Free

Answer: Slavery is outlawed!

Question: 14-Citizenize

Answer: Citizenship to former slaves

Question: 15- Vote

Answer: Right to vote can't be denied by race

Question: 16- Turn 16= job

Answer: Congress can levy individual income taxes

Question: 17- senators seventeen

Answer: Direct election of senators

Question: 18- nope 21

Answer: Prohibition of liquors (1917)

Question: 19- becomes a woman

Answer: Right to vote for women (1919)

Question: 20- January 20th

Answer: Dates for inauguration, Congress's session

Question: 21- let's drink!

Answer: Repeal of prohibition (1933)

Question: 22- 2 terms

Answer: Presidential term limits

Question: 23- twenty three rhymes with DC

Answer: D.C. residents' vote for president

Question: 24- no poll tax at the door

Answer: Ban on poll taxes

Question: 25- if he ain't alive

Answer: Appointment of new vice president, presidential incompetence

Question: 26- 2 + 6= 8

Answer: Right to vote for 18-year olds (1971)

Question: 27- the last one ..

Answer: Reps cannot set their own pay

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