Generalization Ap Psychology

Question: Generalization

Answer: Once a response has been conditioned, the tendency to respond in a similar way to stimuli similar to Conditioned Stimulus

Question: Discrimination

Answer: The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned CS and other stimuli

Question: Watson and Little Albert

Answer: Children bitten by a dog may generalize fear to other dogs

Question: Benefits of Generalization

Answer: Can extend what we learn to similar objects or situations Ex. you don't have to be bitten by 20 dogs to be afraid of each kind

Question: Operant Conditioning

Answer: A learned association between a behavior and its consequences

Question: Behavior vs. Consequence

Answer: Behavior = Operant (Initial step)Consequences = Reinforcement (The following event)Ex. Drink a cup of coffee (operant) then get a caffeine buzz (Reinforcement)

Question: Positive Reinforcement

Answer: You exercise a few times and feel better

Question: Negative Reinforcement

Answer: You buckle your seatbelt and the annoying buzzer sound is removed.Aspirin TAKES AWAY a headache, Umbrella TAKES AWAY being wet in the rain, drinking alcohol TAKES AWAY stress

Question: Positive Punishment

Answer: You RECEIVE a fine for parking in the faculty parking lot

Question: Negative Punishment

Answer: Mom TAKES AWAY your phone for a week

Question: Problems with punishment

Answer: Learned fear, Encourages Aggression, Only indicates what not to do

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