Lesson 11 Interpretation Exercise

Question: Abnormal

Answer: Means away from normal, not normal

Question: Antepartum

Answer: Denotes occurring before birth

Question: Hematocrayl

Answer: Cold blooded

Question: Exogenic

Answer: Means outside the body

Question: Glomus

Answer: Small round anatomical swelling made up of tiny blood vessels

Question: Inframammary

Answer: being situated beneath the mammary gland

Question: Intermuscular

Answer: Denoted being between muscles

Question: Intraspinal

Answer: Situated or occurring within the spinal column

Question: Lalopathy

Answer: Disease of speech

Question: Lien

Answer: Spleen

Question: Lumbar

Answer: Lions

Question: Macrophthalmia

Answer: Large eyes

Question: Maldigestion

Answer: Denotes faulty or unrequired digestion

Question: Photopharmacology

Answer: The study of the effects of light and other radiations on drugs

Question: Panplegia

Answer: All paralysis

Question: Proliferous

Answer: Production of offspring

Question: Puerile

Answer: Children

Question: Sacroma

Answer: Tumor made up of flesh substance

Question: Somnipathy

Answer: Any disease of sleep

Question: Myospasmia

Answer: Pull of the eye

Question: Tensor

Answer: Any muscle that stretches some part of the body

Question: Thelium

Answer: Nipple

Question: Thrombocyte

Answer: Cell that contains a lump, clot

Question: Tumor

Answer: Swelling

Question: Vestibular

Answer: Entrance

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