Most Building Codes Rate Construction Types According To

Question: Most building codes rate construction types according to:

Answer: How long each construction type maintains its structural integrity over a certain period of time.

Question: Which is the best way to load large diameter supply hose?

Answer: Fat load

Question: In the fire environment, convection usually involves the transfer of heat through:

Answer: The movement of hot smoke and fire gases.

Question: When hose is rolled in a single section straight roll, the:

Answer: Male coupling is in the center of the roll.

Question: When loading hose into the hose bed on an apparatus, hose should be:

Answer: Loaded loose enough to fit a gloved hand between the folds.

Question: Which stage of fire occurs when all combustible materials in the compartment are burning at their peak heat release rate based on the available oxygen?

Answer: Fully Developed

Question: _____ is an example of a Class D fuel.

Answer: Magnesium

Question: Which is a guideline for loading hose?

Answer: Remove kinks and twists from the hose when forming a loop.

Question: Which is an indicator for potential backdraft?

Answer: Pulsing smoke movement around small openings in the building

Question: Which material is a Class B fuel?

Answer: Gasoline

Question: Which load allows hose from one side of a split hose bed to be used for a forward lay and the other side to be used for a reverse lay?

Answer: Combination Load

Question: The four stages of fire development are:

Answer: Incipient, growth, fully developed, and decay.

Question: Which type of hose is designed to connect the pumping apparatus to a pressurized water source, such as a hydrant?

Answer: Large diameter soft sleeve hose

Question: An empty portable fire extinguisher should be:

Answer: Laid on its side

Question: Where would a clean agent extinguisher likely be used?

Answer: Computer room fire

Question: Which element is included in the fire tetrahedron that is not part of the fire triangle model?

Answer: Chemical chain reaction

Question: Which statement about smoke is accurate?

Answer: Smoke has the potential to burn.

Question: When a compartment fire is in ventilation-limited decay, _____ can trigger flashover quickly.

Answer: Introduction of new oxygen

Question: Class C fires involve:

Answer: Energized electrical equipment.

Question: Fire hose should be washed with mild soap or detergent using scrub brushes:

Answer: It has been exposed to oil

Question: What is a characteristic of carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishers?

Answer: CO2 gas displaces oxygen to smother the fire

Question: What occurs during flashover?

Answer: The volume of burning gases can increase to fill the room's entire volume and extend out of any openings from the room.

Question: When operating a portable fire extinguisher,:

Answer: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.

Question: Sawdust ignites more easily than a log because the sawdust has a higher:

Answer: Surface-to-mass ratio.

Question: Which statement about flow paths and ventilation in a structure is accurate?

Answer: When firefighters make entry into a building, they establish new flow paths between the fire compartment and exterior vents of the building.

Question: What is the primary oxidizing agent in most fires?

Answer: Oxygen in the air

Question: The _____ on a coupling is a flattened angle at the end of the threads that helps prevent cross-threading when connecting couplings.

Answer: Higbee cut

Question: Firefighters working in the exhaust portion of the flow path will:

Answer: Feel the increase in temperature as the velocity and/or turbulence increases.

Question: Woven-jacket fire hose:

Answer: Must be brushed clear of dust and dirt after use.

Question: The transfer of heat through and between solids is known as:

Answer: Conduction

Question: In which hose load does the hose lay on its edge in folds that lay next to each other?

Answer: Accordion load

Question: A male hose coupling:

Answer: Has the thread on the exterior.

Question: Class K fires involve:

Answer: Cooking oils

Question: Observed from the exterior, a high neutral plane may indicate that the fire is in the early stages of development, or could indicate:

Answer: A fire above your level.

Question: By which mechanism of heat transfer does heat travel in a straight line at the speed of light, allowing heat to travel through vacuums and air spaces?

Answer: Radiation

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