The Curve Ahead Sign Tells You

Question: The Curve ahead sign tells you a curve is coming. When does a CURVE become a TURN?

Answer: when it can be safely navigated at a speed slower than 35 mph

Question: An orange-colored triangle-shaped sign on a truck means:

Answer: it is a slow moving (less than 25 mph) vehicle

Question: Overdriving your headlights at night is dangerous because:

Answer: you cannot stop within the distance illuminated by your lights

Question: Failure to yeild is ranked as one of the top ____ causes of collisions

Answer: 5

Question: When you park next to a curb, your wheels must be no more than ___ inches away from the curb.

Answer: 18

Question: Disc brakes work by:

Answer: pressing inward, on a disc, to stop it from turning

Question: the ALTERNATOR:

Answer: produces the electrical needs of the car once the engine has started

Question: The car's oil warning light means that:

Answer: your oil pressure has dropped

Question: If your headlights ever fail, you should:

Answer: try turning the light switch on and off rapidly

Question: The minimum tread thickness for a passenger car tires is:

Answer: 1/32 inch

Question: Kaitlyn's law makes it illegal for any child, under what age to be left alone in a vehicle, unless another child at least 12 yrs old accompanies them?

Answer: 6

Question: If you are distracted by a cell phone, passenger, or other distraction for just one second at 30 mph you will travel how far?

Answer: 45 feet

Question: Teenage drivers have a total accident rate that is ___ times that of adults:

Answer: 4

Question: If you are under 21 the zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving will revoke your license even if your BAC level is as low as:

Answer: 0.0001

Question: You will be listed a Negligent Operator if you get:

Answer: All of the answers are correct

Question: If you are under 21 years of age: (w/ transporting alcohol)

Answer: Yo can transport alcohol in the trunk if it is part of your employment duty

Question: In order to pass another car safely at speed of 45 mph:

Answer: you need at least 1/3 of a mile of clear visibility

Question: Centrifugal force:

Answer: doesn't really exist

Question: At its height, what percentage of American workers were employed in an automotive-related industry?

Answer: 20% 2 out of 10

Question: According to the formula for stopping distance, how many feet will it take you to stop from 60 mph? (Lesson 4)

Answer: 180

Question: Pedestrians comprise about what ratio of traffic fatalities

Answer: 1-in-3

Question: In California changing lanes in the middle of an intersection:

Answer: is legal

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