The Nanking Massacre Worksheet Answers

Question: When did the Nanking Massacre Occur?

Answer: December of 1937

Question: Approximately how many people died during the massacre?

Answer: 300,000 civilians and soldiers

Question: What conflict or battle occurred before the Nanking Massacre? Briefly explain the battle.

Answer: Battle at Shanghai that began in the summer of 1937.

Question: How many Japanese troops attacked at Nanking?

Answer: 50,000 soldiers

Question: Explain the Chinese defensive forces at Nanking.

Answer: Poorly led and disorganized

Question: How many Chinese forces surrendered at Nanking?

Answer: 90,000 soldiers

Question: Explain how the Japanese forces viewed surrender in general and the Chinese forces that surrendered.

Answer: Act of cowardice and the ultimate violation of the rigid code of military honor. Making those who surrendered unworthy of life.

Question: Explain the brutality of the Japanese forces against the Chinese POW's.

Answer: They inflicted maximum pain and suffering upon the individual POWs, such as decapitating them, displaying heads as souvenirs, and etc.

Question: Who did the Japanese forces attack and brutalize next?

Answer: Cilvilans of Nanking

Question: How was the news of the massacre reported in Japan?

Answer: News presented was celebrated and only the military success was shown

Question: How was the news of the massacre reported in the US and in the rest of the Western nations?

Answer: Stories were smuggled out of Nanking but were only one page reports.

Question: Who established the International Safety Zone in Nanking and What was its role?

Answer: About 20 Americans and Europeans established it to protect the women and children of Nanking

Question: Approximately how many Chinese people took refuge in the International Safety Zone?

Answer: 300,000 people

Question: Explain the aftermath and the legacy of the Nanking Massacre

Answer: Around 200,000 to 300,000 people died during the invasion. Matsui and Tani Hisao were convicted for the war crimes and executed. Today the relationship between Sino and Japanese is bad.

Question: Who carried out the massacre in Nanking?

Answer: Japanese Imperial Army

Question: When was the Nanking Safety Zone put in effect?

Answer: 13820

Question: What was the names of the drugs distributed to the people of Nanking?

Answer: Opium and heroin

Question: What did the westerners say about Nanking?

Answer: That it was "hell on earth"

Question: Explain in detail how were people and families treated by the Japanese soldiers?

Answer: Most women were raped by men or forced to do sexual acts to their own families. While most men were killed.

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