All Of The Following Are Basic Mindfulness Skills Except

Question: Health and wellness are best described as

Answer: dynamic

Question: Healthy People 2020 is a plan designed to

Answer: improve the quality of life and years of life for all Americans.

Question: To successfully change a behavior, a person must recognize that change is a(n)

Answer: process that occurs in stages

Question: The six dimensions of health

Answer: interact continuously

Question: One of the most important goals of Healthy People 2020 is to

Answer: eliminate health disparities and improve the health of all population groups

Question: Washing your hands before eating is an example of disease

Answer: prevention

Question: Beth works part-time as a waitress and receives no health insurance benefits from her employer. She purchased insurance under the Affordable Care Act, but the policy has a $5,000 annual deductible. Beth

Answer: is likely to delay care that she needs

Question: Which strategy is used by many athletes to visualize the attainment of goals?

Answer: imagined rehearsal

Question: Emotional health can best be described as being able to

Answer: feel and express emotions appropriately.

Question: Which of the following is an essential prerequisite for changing a behavior

Answer: wanting to change

Question: The ability to think clearly, analyze information, and use one's mental capacity to meet life's challenges is known as

Answer: intellectual health.

Question: Going out for dinner at your favorite restaurant as a reward for finishing a big project is an example of a

Answer: consumable reinforcer.

Question: The contemporary definition of wellness is

Answer: the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions.

Question: All of the following are basic mindfulness skills EXCEPT

Answer: tuning out a noisy student in the library.

Question: Gavin downloads a new workout song every time he completes his week's exercise goal. This action is an example of

Answer: positive reinforcement.

Question: The expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, such as at birth, is known as

Answer: life expectancy.

Question: The achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions is

Answer: wellness.

Question: Having unprotected sex is considered a

Answer: risk behavior.

Question: Which of the following is an essential prerequisite for changing a behavior?

Answer: wanting to change

Question: Jill has many friends, is respected by her coworkers, and maintains a great relationship with her boyfriend. Her ability to interact with others is an example of which dimension of health?

Answer: social

Question: Major public health achievements of the twentieth century include

Answer: workplace safety.

Question: A sedentary lifestyle, overuse of caffeine, and risky sexual practices are examples of

Answer: modifiable determinants of health

Question: Life expectancy in the early 1900s was largely determined by a person's

Answer: susceptibility to infectious disease.

Question: The ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental dimensions is the definition of

Answer: health

Question: Which health model views treating disease through medications and surgery as the surest way to improve health?

Answer: medical model

Question: An appraisal of the relationship between an object, action, or idea and some attribute related to it is a(n)

Answer: belief.

Question: Changing your seat in class to one closer to the front to help change your habit of napping during the lecture is an example of

Answer: situational inducement.

Question: Effective health promotion programs

Answer: focus on encouraging behaviors known to support good health.

Question: The science that views negative health events as resulting from individuals' interactions with their physical or social environment is

Answer: public health.

Question: Observing a friend's successful attempt to quit smoking and trying some of the same tactics to quit yourself is an example of

Answer: modeling

Question: Spiritual health can best be described as

Answer: having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life.

Question: Which type of costs are related to higher insurance premiums and increased disability payments due to obesity-related health conditions?

Answer: indirect medical costs

Question: Which of the following contributed to increased life expectancy in the early twentieth century?

Answer: vaccinations and antibiotics

Question: Mrs. J. is trying to get her third-grade students to remember to have their homework signed by a parent before bringing it to class. Students who remember every day for a month receive a gift card from a local bookstore. This is an example of a(n)

Answer: possessional reinforcer.

Question: The dimension of physical health encompasses the ability to

Answer: perform activities of daily living.

Question: Brenda is going on a ski trip over spring break and has 12 weeks to get in shape. She purchased an elliptical trainer and started working out on it for 10 minutes each day. Each week, she will increase her workout by 10 minutes until she can exercise for one hour. If she finds that is too rigorous, she will only add 5 minutes to her workout each week. Which of the following behavior-change techniques is Brenda using to get in shape for her trip?

Answer: shaping

Question: A trait or behavior that a person can actively control, such as eating habits, is a(n)

Answer: modifiable determinant.

Question: Health promotion

Answer: includes policies, programs, and financial support for initiatives that promote health.

Question: Not allowing yourself to think about stage fright and focusing only on the content of your speech when preparing for a presentation is an example of

Answer: blocking and stopping.

Question: Missy is motivated to lose weight. She has begun taking a 30-minute walk every morning, has worked with a nutrition counselor to design a new diet, and on Monday will begin following new eating plan. According to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, Missy is in a stage of

Answer: action.

Question: The change model based on three factors (social environment, thoughts and feelings, and behaviors) in interaction with each other is known as the

Answer: social cognitive model.

Question: Which of the following statements about mindfulness is true?

Answer: An essential component of mindfulness is awareness of oneself and one's environment.

Question: Overall, the leading cause of death for Americans is

Answer: heart disease.

Question: Based on a recent cholesterol screening, Marlon decided that he has to stop eating so much fast food and get more exercise. Between work and school, his free time is limited, but he is determined to lower his cholesterol level and improve his overall health. The best way for Marlon to stay motivated to improve his diet and work out regularly is to

Answer: set reasonable short- and long-term goals and reward himself for meeting them.

Question: A person's bone structure is an example of a(n)

Answer: nonmodifiable determinant.

Question: Differences in cancer mortality among specific populations are an example of

Answer: health disparities.

Question: The process of taking small individual steps toward a behavior change goal is

Answer: shaping.

Question: Studies associate mindfulness with

Answer: improvements in memory.

Question: Mrs. J. is trying to get her third-grade students to remember to have their homework signed by a parent before bringing it to class. Students who remember every day for a month receive a gift card from a local bookstore. This is an example of a(n)

Answer: possessional reinforcer.

Question: Determinants of health are a range of factors in a person's life that

Answer: influence his or her health status.

Question: Jason is frustrated because he has three projects due at the same time next week and he doesn't believe it's possible to get all three finished. His solution is to forget about the projects and meet up with friends for a night out. Jason has

Answer: an external locus of control.

Question: The positive aspects of a person's life, such being satisfied with life in general and having positive emotions, determines one's sense of

Answer: well-being.

Question: Which of the following were cited by college students in a national survey as major impediments to performing well academically?

Answer: stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties

Question: Support from others to change a behavior is an example of a(n)

Answer: reinforcing factor.

Question: People with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on

Answer: their own actions.

Question: The thought, "I don't have enough time!" is an example of

Answer: self-talk.

Question: Which behavior change model involves six distinct stages and is also known as the stages of change model?

Answer: transtheoretical model

Question: Manuela joined a group exercise class. Her instructor, who was formerly inactive and overweight, participates with the class and also shares personal fitness strategies. In class, Manuela tries to emulate her instructor's moves, and she has also become more physically active as part of her daily routine. Which technique is Manuela using to reach her goal of becoming more fit?

Answer: modeling

Question: Mindy wants to lose weight. The fact that her parents engage in regular exercise is a(n)

Answer: predisposing factor.

Question: Young adults (ages 15-24) are most likely to die from

Answer: accidents

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