Which Of The Following Topics Does A Cognitive Neuroscientist Study

Question: Behavior is influenced by conflicts in the unconscious mind.

Answer: Psychoanalytic

Question: People's behaviors and development are driven by a desire to improve their lives.

Answer: Humanistic

Question: It is important to understand how the mind has adapted to perform certain tasks that allow us to survive.

Answer: Functionalism

Question: Behavior is influenced by people's intelligence, memory, and thoughts—not just by the rewards and punishments they have received.

Answer: Cognitive

Question: An experience can be analyzed by looking at the individual pieces that make it up.

Answer: Structuralism

Question: Psychology should only study events that can be directly observed.

Answer: Behaviorism

Question: Experiences should not be broken down into their constituent parts.

Answer: Gestalt

Question: 1) Keeping study participants' data confidential.2) Protecting study participants from potential mental and physical risk.3) Obtaining informed consent.

Answer: Which of the following key ethical decisions would an institutional review board approve of?

Question: founded the psychoanalytic theory

Answer: Sigmund Freud

Question: founded the theory of behaviorism

Answer: John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner

Question: founded the theory of cognitive psychology

Answer: George Miller and Ulric Neisser

Question: founded the humanistic theory

Answer: Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

Question: the people who receive none of the independent variable, to serve as a comparison

Answer: control group

Question: the people who receive some level of the independent variable

Answer: experimental group

Question: the manipulated variable

Answer: independent variable

Question: the measured variable

Answer: dependent variable

Question: the quantifiable description of a variable

Answer: operational definition

Question: founded the Gestalt theory

Answer: Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler

Question: focus on a theory

Answer: 1st stage of scientific method

Question: state a hypothesis

Answer: 2nd stage of scientific theory

Question: test with a research method

Answer: 3rd stage of scientific theory

Question: analyze the data

Answer: 4th stage of scientific theory

Question: report results and embark on further inquiry

Answer: 5th stage of scientific theory

Question: all of them

Answer: Studying psychology will help you with which of the following careers: working as a physician, designing advertisements, teaching middle school, managing at a company

Question: considering whether there may be alternative explanations for the conclusion, using critical thinking, using logic to evaluate the evidence for the claim, with friendly skepticism

Answer: Identify how a good psychologist views new claims in psychology.

Question: nature, nurture, mind/body, inseperable

Answer: In ancient times, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle were already debating whether our psychological traits were the product of _____—that is, biology—or of_____, meaning influences like education, experience, and culture. Another classic question is the relationship between mental activity and our physical state_____whether the mind is independent from the body, or the two influence each other. Today this is known as the - problem, and modern psychologists believe that the mind and the body are____.

Question: researching the genetic contributors to intelligence

Answer: biological psychology example

Question: writing a lesson plan to engage children in learning a new topic

Answer: developmental psychology example

Question: working with cancer patients on emotional coping techniques

Answer: health psychology example

Question: studying how a tragedy (such as a hurricane) influences helping behavior

Answer: social psychology example

Question: running a training program that increases workplace motivation

Answer: industrial/organizational psychology example

Question: Understanding how we think about ourselves can improve our understanding of our own motivations, Learning about how people get to know others can help us make a good first impression, Learning about how people develop behaviors and abilities can help us understand others, Knowing a little about mental disorders can help us understand how common and treatable many disorders are, and can help us when we encounter people with them.

Answer: According to the textbook, how can learning about psychology improve your life?

Question: correlational, causes, directionality, third variable

Answer: When a psychologist simply records the relationship between two variables without manipulating them, it is called a ____ study. The observed relationship does not by itself reveal which variable____ the other. This is the____ problem. Also, the relationship may be due to a____controlling both of the observed variables.

Question: What is the evidence that listening to Mozart's music will increase intelligence? Could there be other reasonable explanations for the study's conclusion that listening to Mozart increases intelligence?Am I being asked to believe that listening to Mozart will always increase intelligence?

Answer: A professional educator reads a newspaper article about how listening to Mozart increases intelligence. Based on this article, he wants to implement a very costly program designed to have high school students listen to Mozart to raise their SAT scores.Which of the following are good critical thinking questions the educator should ask about the article before implementing such a program?

Question: People who eat breakfast most days tend to have a higher GPA.As exercise rate increases, a person's memory increases.As pizza consumption increases so does a person's anger level.

Answer: correlational research examples

Question: A group that consumed more caffeine showed less ability to focus than a group that consumed no caffeine.A group that breathed pure oxygen had better test performance than a group that breathed normal air.

Answer: causational research examples

Question: A brief overview of the study is presented before a person signs an agreement to participate.

Answer: informed consent

Question: When participants fill out the data sheets, they are assigned numbers to use instead of their names.

Answer: confidentiality

Question: A study will not expose participants to any unreasonably harmful conditions or events.

Answer: protection from harm

Question: Researchers only observe public behaviors

Answer: privacy

Question: If telling participants the goals of the study might alter their responses, some information is not shared with them until after the study

Answer: deception

Question: seeing pictures in cloud shapes, believing that two people can see one thing in different ways

Answer: represents a Gestalt approach

Question: memory, thought, experiencing sights and smells

Answer: mental activity examples

Question: mating, cooperation, eating

Answer: behavior examples

Question: "Tell me the overall feeling you have when you dance."

Answer: Gestalt example

Question: "Tell me about your dreams."

Answer: Psychoanalytic example

Question: "Tell me how the group sessions have helped you become a stronger person."

Answer: Humanistic example

Question: "Tell me how you arrived at your decision."

Answer: cognitive example

Question: "Tell me what you did in response to the change in plans."

Answer: behaviorism example

Question: biological, developmental, cognitive, clinical

Answer: In studying hospitalized children, a____ psychologist might look at how their brains were affected by the hospital treatment, a____ psychologist would compare their growth to normal children's growth, a____ psychologist might study the children's performance at problem solving, and a____ psychologist would focus on how the hospital setting affected the children emotionally.

Question: memory, perception, language, brain processes

Answer: Which of the following topics does a cognitive neuroscientist study?

Question: William James, structuralism's, environment, Charles Darwin's, evolution

Answer: Functionalism began with_____, who argued that____ emphasis on the mind's component parts left out the mind's role in enabling us to adapt to our_____. This view drew inspiration from_____ theory of ____through natural selection.

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