Match Each Group Or Organization With Its Correct Category.

According to the graphic, which is the most likely cause for the pattern of U.S. defense spending since 2000?
Study the graphic on federal defense spending over time, and then answer the following question.

the war against terrorism prompted an increase in defense spending.

How many permanent countries with a veto are there on the United Nations Security Council?


There are five permanent members: the United States, the Russian Federation, France, China and the UnitedKingdom.

China currently has the world's largest, most expensive military.


Which federal department is responsible for diplomacy?

Department of State

If the president wants to avoid having to go to the (1) for ratification of a treaty, he can sign an (2) with a foreign nation instead.

1) Senate
2) executive agreement

Match the group or organization on the left with its correct category on the right.

non-state actor:terrorist
International Organization:World Trade Organization, United Nations

Which of the following organizations or agreements are primarily related to free trade?

World Trade Organization
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Members of the armed forces disproportionately come from the -, while the - has a much smaller percentage of military enlistees than their share of the general population.


Let us say that the nation of Atlantis was trying to develop the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons and the United States did not want them to do so. Order the following possible responses the United States could use, from the one that is likely to be tried first to the one that is likely to be used only as a last resort.

military force

Complete the following statements.
An economic "carrot," or incentive, is (1). An economic "stick," or punishment, is (2).

1) foreign aid
2) sanctions

Match the foreign policy tool on the left with the correct example of its use on the right.

collective security:North Atlantic Treaty Organization specifies that
Arbitration: nigeria
military force:united states
economic aid: australia

The (1), located in the (2), is responsible for synthesizing the messages coming out of the foreign policy establishment to help the president make his or her own foreign policy.

1) National Security Council
2) bureaucracy

Match the group, organization, or committee to the part of the United States government to which it belongs.

Executive Office of the President = National Security Council
House of Representatives = Committee on Foreign Affairs
interest group = American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Senate = Foreign Relations Committee

Place these major moments in the history of American foreign relations in chronological order from earliest to most recent.

Cold War

In which of the following areas has the Russian military been involved?

The United States

Which of the following statements accurately characterize America's approach to human rights policy?

The United States has a long-standing general commitment to human rights.
The United States usually overlooks human rights violations by its major trading partners.
The United States typically provides assistance to nations facing crises and emergencies.

What kinds of foreign policy issues might interest groups get involved in?

environmental activists seeking to promote climate agreements
objecting to China's piracy of intellectual property rights
Jewish Americans lobbying against a foreign deal that they believe hurts Israel
attempting to get the United States to oppose human rights abuses by foreign governments

Which of the following are ways in which Congress can check the power of the president in foreign policy?

refuse to confirm a nominee for ambassador
provide no funding for a military operation
fail to ratify a treaty

Which of the following are committees in Congress related to foreign policy?

Committee on foreign affairs
foreign relations committee

What goals does the International Monetary Fund serve today?

It promotes the structural readjustment of some economies.
It facilitates international monetary exchange.

Which two decision rules does the 15-member UN Security Council use?

A veto by 1 of the permanent members will reject a proposal.
A 9-vote majority is required to pass a substantive proposal.

Most foreign policy analysts expect the United States rivalry with China to provoke conflict within three to five years.


Economic sanctions can include which of the following actions?

bans on investment
trade embargoes

Which of the following trade policies has President Trump imposed in his time as president?

establishing trade sanctions with China
withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Choose all of the following international environmental agreements to which the United States is currently a party.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Montreal Protocol

A trade deficit means a country is exporting more than it is importing.


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