All Of The Following Statements About Biomass Are True Except

Question: Which of the following is a potentially renewable resource?

Answer: Groundwater

Question: Expanding the amount of land devoted to food production

Answer: May to irreparable damage to the land

Question: The evaporation of irrigation water from farm fields can damage soil fertility through

Answer: Salinization

Question: Vast quantities of oil, enough to supply domestic needs for another century, are contained in U.S. deposits of

Answer: Oil Shale

Question: All of the following statements about biomass are true EXCEPT

Answer: there is a decreasing demand and an increasing supply of wood in developing countries

Question: The percentage of the world’s original tropical rain forest that has already been either cleared or degraded is approximately

Answer: 50%

Question: Renewable energy resources include all of the following

Answer: Tar Sands

Question: Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Answer: Per capita energy production is correlated with national energy consumption

Question: Most petroleum is used for

Answer: Fuels

Question: The value of a given coal deposit depends on all of the following EXCEPT

Answer: Its potential for liquefaction

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