All Of The Following Statements About Carbohydrates Are True Except

Question: All of the following statements are true about carbohydrates except:

Answer: Complex carbohydrates include starch, fruit juice, and fiber.

Question: __________________ are the major source of carbohydrates in our diet.

Answer: Plants

Question: Simple carbohydrates include ___________.

Answer: Sugars

Question: All carbohydrates are made up of _________________.

Answer: Monosaccharides

Question: A diet containing too much ________ __________can be harmful to health.

Answer: simple sugar

Question: Which of the following sugars is not found in plant foods?

Answer: Lactose

Question: Which of the following statements is not true about carbohydrate structures?

Answer: Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose linked to galactose.

Question: Correct this FALSE statement: Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose linked to galactose.

Answer: Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose linked to fructose, NOT galactose.

Question: Storage forms of glucose in living things include _________________.

Answer: Glycogen and starch

Question: Total fiber refers to the sum of ______________.

Answer: dietary and functional fibers

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