Empathy Mindset Involves

Question: The fundamental attribution error results from attributing other’s behaviors to social or environmental, rather than internal or personal, causes.

Answer: False

Question: An attribution is our way of explaining other people’s responses and behaviors toward us.

Answer: True

Question: Gestalts are formed as the result of a specific positive or negative observation we have of another person.

Answer: False

Question: A halo effect may occur when we attribute positive motives to someone’s actions without having actually observed those particular qualities.

Answer: True

Question: We tend to pay more attention to positive than to negative characteristics of others.

Answer: False

Question: Individuals tend to judge and perceive themselves:

Answer: More positively than others.

Question: In interpreting information, we form attributions, which are defined as:

Answer: explanations for others’ behaviors and comments.

Question: Many factors influence the selection stage of the perception process. Which of these is NOT one of these factors?

Answer: punctuation

Question: Which of these is NOT a characteristic of salient communication?

Answer: It is predictable

Question: Empathy mindset involves:

Answer: believing that empathy can be developed and controlled.

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