Emphasize Most Nearly Means Asvab

Question: emphasize most nearly means

Answer: Accentuate

Question: We will long remember our perilous journey

Answer: Perilous- full of danger or risk.

Question: Inept most nearly means

Answer: Bungling

Question: Adage most nearly means

Answer: Adage- a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.

Means - proverb

Question: admonition (n) most nearly means

Answer: Admonition- an act or action of admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning.

Most nearly means - warning.

Question: Decry (v) most nearly means

Answer: Decry - publicly denounce

Most nearly means - disparage

Question: moratorium (n) most nearly means

Answer: Moratorium- a temporary prohibition of an activity.

Most nearly means - suspension

Question: cajole (v) most nearly means

Answer: Cajole - persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

Most nearly means - wheedle

Question: Most companies have a policy against nepotism

Answer: Nepotism - the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

Question: contentious most nearly means

Answer: Contentious- causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

Most nearly means - quarrelsome

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