Employers Consider Soft Skills As Important As Hard Skills.

Question: The best way to make the contribution you were born to make is by doing work

Answer: you’re passionate about

Question: You should always do research about the company you’re applying for a job at or interviewing with

Answer: true

Question: An entrepreneur is someone who

Answer: Starts and runs their own business

Question: The first step in finding your dream job is

Answer: discovering your talents, passions, and values

Question: The Proximity Principle says: In order to do what you want to do, you need to be ________ people who are doing it and in __________ where it’s happening.

Answer: Around; places

Question: The very best investment you can make is in

Answer: yourself

Question: What is NOT a benefit of working while in school

Answer: Boost your GPA

Question: Your resume should NOT include

Answer: How much money you want to make

Question: For entrepreneurs, taking _________ and growing a business go hand in hand

Answer: Risks

Question: What is the point where your greatest talents, passions, and values intersect?

Answer: Your sweet spot

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